ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 3 – 3e – 7

Read the rubric, look at the underlined key words and answer the questions, then write your story. Follow the plan in Ex. 2. Прочитайте рубрику, посмотрите на подчеркнутые A teenage magazine has asked its readers to take part in the annual short story competition entitled "It happened to me". Write your story for the competition (120-180 words). Молодежный журнал попросил своих читателей принять

What are you going to write? Who for?

О чем вы собираетесь написать? Для кого?

I'm going to write a short story for a teenage magazine

Я собираюсь написать короткую историю для молодежного

What kind of story will you write?

Какую историю вы напишете?

It'll be a short story entitled "It happened to me"

Это будет история под заголовком "Это случилось со

Who will the main character(s) be?

Кто будет главным действующим лицом?

It'll be a story about me.

Эта история обо мне.

When/Where will the story take place?

Когда/Где произойдет история?

The story will take place in my grandparents' village.

История произойдет у моих бабушки и дедушки на даче.

What will the events be? List them in chronological order.

Какие будут события? Составьте их перечень в

I went to them for weekends and wanted to try doing something as experience.

Я приехал к ним на выходный и захотел сделать кое-что в

What will the climax event be?

Какая будет кульминация?

There was a fire.

Был пожар.

What will happen in the end?

Что произойдет в конце?

I realized with great regret that I was completely uncareful

Я с большим сожалением понял, что я совершенно

How will the main character(s) feel in the end?

Как главный герой будет чувствовать себя в конце?

I felt myself very guilty.

Я чувствовал себя виноватым

My parents decided to send me to my grandparents for weekends. They were very busy and Iwent alone. I didn't want because life in the village is very boring but I had no choice.
When I woke up Saturday morning, my grandparents were not at home. They went to local market. I decided to help them and to burn the autumn leaves in the garden. I was very enthusiastic. But something went wrong and I made a big fire. The fire started to long away to the house. I eas very scared and called the neighbours. They ran and started to water the leaves and the garden. By the time grandparents came home we had already extinguished the fire.
I thanked all helpers and felt myself very guilty. I realized with great regret that I was completely uncareful. Родители решили отправить меня на выходные к бабушке и

ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.


Read the rubric, look at the underlined key words and answer the questions, then write your story. Follow the plan in Ex. 2. Прочитайте рубрику, посмотрите на подчеркнутые ключевые слова и ответьте на вопросы, затем напишите ваш рассказ. Следуйте плану из упражнения 2. A teenage magazine has asked its readers to take part in the annual short story competition entitled "It happened to me". Write your story for the competition (120-180 words). Молодежный журнал попросил своих читателей принять участие в ежегодном конкурсе коротких рассказов под названием "Это случилось со мной". Напишите вашу историю для конкурса (120-180 слов)