Юхнель, 7. Unit 6. Lesson 5

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a) Разбившись на команды, вспомните новые слова из раздела.
A skyscraper — небоскреб; high-rise — многоэтажный; an exhibition centre — выставочный центр; a fitness centre — фитнес-центр; a town hall — мэрия, ратуша; a car park — автомобильная стоянка, парковка; а river bank — берег реки; a bank — банк; a place of interest — достопримечательность; picturesque — живописный; worth visiting — стоящий того, чтобы посетить; to be situated — быть расположенным; to be mentioned — быть упомянутым; to suffer — страдать; to survive — уцелеть, выжить; a cathedral — собор; a hotel — гостиница; a sight — вид, достопримечательность; a visitor — посетитель, гость; underground — марафон; attractive — привлекательный; hospitable — гостеприимный; hard-working — трудолюбивый; convenient — удобный; a garage — гараж; a cottage — деревенский дом; a roof — крыша; a chimney — труба; a fence — ограда; a balcony — балкон; two-storeyed — двухэтажный; a block of flats — многоквартирный дом.
b) Какие из слов могут быть использованы для описания городов, а какие — деревень?
Towns: skyscraper, high-rise, an exhibition centre, a fitness centre, a town hall, a car park, a bank, a place of interest, picturesque, worth visiting, a cathedral, a hotel, a sight, underground, a block of flats.
Villages: a place of interest — достопримечательность; picturesque — живописный; worth visiting — стоящий того, чтобы посетить; a cottage — деревенский дом.
c) Сравните две картинки. Используйте слова из таблички (дописать про город по образцу деревни).
a) The old castle is situated in a big modem noisy dirty town. The environment is unhealthy because of the large number of cars and buses. The vehicles make the town dangerous too.
b) The old castle is situated in a quiet beautiful village. It is surrounded by charming little cottages. There is a river with clean water that runs through the village It is an attractive and healthy place to visit and live. But to live in such place can be boring and rather uncomfortable because there are no department stores, supermarkets, exhibition centres, banks and fitness centres.
а) Перерисуйте табличку себе в тетрадь. Послушайте, как дети обсуждают жизнь в деревне и в городе. Ученик 1 записывает преимущества жизни в деревне. Ученик 2 — преимущества жизни в городе. Ученик 3 — недостатки жизни в деревне. Ученик 4 — недостатки жизни в городе.
1) Nice and quiet place; beautiful nature; people are friendly and kind-hearted.
2) A lot of theatres and museums, fitness centres, cinema, supermarkets; you are free to choose: what school to go, which film and where to watch, where to spend your free time; a lot of interesting people.
3) Too quiet; you know everybody and there isn’t much chance of meeting somebody new who can make your life more exciting.
4) Dangerous; streets are full of people; cities are very dirty and noisy; unhealthy.
b) Разбейтесь на 4 группы. Поделитесь информацией и заполните всю табличку. Подумайте о других преимуществах и недостатках.
The advantages of living in the country: There is less pollution and your health will improve. You’ll never feel lonely, because in the country you always feel a part of community. You will feel safe, because the level of criminality is lower than in the city. Living in the country is good for your mental health too, because in the country there is less stress and fuss. You live in your own house. The disadvantages of living in the country: The entertainment is not so great, you can’t participate in many interesting events. Shopping is a problem. There is no nightlife, life comes to an end at half past nine.
The advantages of living in a city: Big cities offer great well-paid and interesting jobs and education opportunities. Great shopping. You’ll never get bored in a big city. It is easier to broaden your horizons living in a big city.
The disadvantages of living in a city: A lot of stress. People feel lonely, because sense of community disappears. People live in small apartments.
Просмотрите фразы. Прослушайте диалог еще раз и скажите, которые из них использованы в разговоре.
4; 7; 12; 13; 14;
Прочитайте высказывания людей о жизни в городе и деревне. С кем вы согласны? Докажите свою точку зрения. Используйте упр. 3.
Life in the country is boring.
I think I agree with this point of view. When you live in the country, you are cut off from exciting and important events. There are no theatres and cinemas. To see a play or a film becomes a problem. There is much less entertainment in the country. There are no fitness centres, night clubs, restaurants. The life comes to an end at half past nine. I thinks it is depressing.
Life in the country is safe.
That’s absolutely right. The criminality level in the country is much less than in cities. There is no heave traffic. There is no pollution and your health will improve, if you live in the country. People in the country are friendly and are always ready to help.
Life in the city is fascinating.
Sure! That’s exactly what I think! There is so much to do in a big city! You can do whatever you want — see a play in a theatre or a film in a cinema. You can go to fitness club or exhibition centre. You can visit a nightclub or a disco and have a lot of fun with your friends. The life in a city never stops. You can always meet new people and learn new interesting things. Plus, cities offer great well-paid and interesting jobs and education opportunities.
People in the city suffer from noise and pollution.
That’s absolutely right. There are always factories and plants in big cities. They pollute air and water. The traffic in cities is heavy too. That means that a lot of pollution comes from cars and other vehicles. And noise pollution because of the cars, people, and music playing in restaurants, discos and night clubs is dangerous too. Living in a city is not good for your health.
Прочитайте советы, данные ниже. Хорошие ли это правила ведения дискуссии? Согласны ли вы с ними? Можете ли вы добавить что-нибудь к списку?
In my opinion recommendations number 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are very good rules for discussion. But I would never use recommendations number 2, 5. I would like to add that during discussion you should listen attentively to your opponent, never use offensive or rude words. And if it is possible, you should try to find a compromise.
Работа в группах. Подготовьте дискуссию. Где лучше жить: в городе или в деревне? Используйте свои записи и упр. 3 и упр. 5.
За жизнь в деревне и против жизни в городе
First of all, you are close to the beauty of nature. You can enjoy beautiful scenery every day, breathe fresh air, go hiking every weekend and swim in a river or a lake in summer. There is less pollution your health will improve. There are less cars and the level of criminality is low. That means you will feel safe. People are much friendlier in the country than in the city. You always can count on them. They will help you if you are in trouble. You will never suffer from loneliness in the country because there you always feel a part of community. Living in the country is good for your mental health too, because you do not suffer from constant fuss and all the stress one would face in a city.
Cities are dangerous. There are always factories and plants in big cities. They pollute air and water. The traffic in cities is heavy too. That means that a lot of pollution comes from cars and other vehicles. And noise pollution coming from cars, people, and music playing in restaurants, discos and night clubs is dangerous too. People live in small apartments. Often they even don’t know the names of their neighbours. They feel lonely. Sense of community disappears in a big city. Plus, living in a big city is expensive.
За жизнь в городе и против жизни в деревне
You will never get bored in a big city because of all the activities that take place there. Big cities offer great well-paid and interesting jobs and education opportunities. There is a wide choice of entertainment there: discos, cinemas, theatres, sport clubs, exhibitions, museums, concerts, night clubs… And you always can meet new people and discover new things in a big city. So it is easier to broaden your horizons living in a big city.
On the contrary, when you live in the country, you are cut off from exciting and important events. There are no theatres and cinemas. To see a play or a film becomes a problem. Shopping becomes a problem too. The life comes to an end at half past nine. Peace and quiet of the country can be very depressing if you live there all the time.
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