Юхнель, 7. Unit 4. Lesson 6

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Прочитайте отрывок из новостей. Почему для Беларуси было важно выиграть это соревнование?
В 2014 году Международный чемпионат по хоккею на льду среди мужчин будет принимать Беларусь в своей столице, в Минске.
8 мая 2009 года Беларусь была счастлива набрать 75 голосов в соревновании за то, чтобы принимать в 2014 году Международный чемпионат по хоккею на льду среди мужчин. Беларусь соревновалась с Венгрией, Латвией, Украиной и выиграла под лозунгом “Добро пожаловать в молодую страну хоккея”.
Основными зданиями, которые принимают команды по хоккею на льду, являются Минск-Арена и Чижовка-Арена. Первое было сдано в декабре 2009 года, в то время как строительство Чижовка-Арены только началось и закончится в декабре 2010 года.
Winning in this competition was important for Belarus because Belarus is a young country and needs to demonstrate her power and achievements.
а) Прослушайте запись разговора Яна и Ника. О чем они разговаривают?
They are talking about the victory of Belarus and the World Ice Hockey Championship will take place in Minsk.
b) Скопируйте таблицу. Прослушайте запись еще раз и заполните первые две колонки видами спорта, о которых говорили мальчики.
Belarus: hockey, skiing, skating, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, boxing, judo, karate, football, football
UK: rugby, golf, cricket, walking, jogging, tennis, cricket, squash, horse racing
c) Добавьте еще несколько видов спорта в колонки.
d) Какие еще страны есть в колонках? Заполните таблицу.
The USA, Canada, Australia, Japan.
Просмотрите урок и в парах ответьте на вопросы.
— What article is used with kinds of sport?
— No articles are used with kinds of sport.
— What article do we use when we name the sport events?
— We use definite articles when we name the sport events.
a) Работа в парах. Прочитайте карточку, которую вам дал учитель, и заполните свою колонку в таблице.
b) Подготовьтесь рассказать о популярных видах спорта в стране, которая написана на карточке.
Such team sports as hockey, canoeing is popular in Belarus. Such individual sports as biathlon, athletics, gymnastics, tennis, weightlifting, judo are most popular in Belarus. I suppose that most people do walking, jogging, play football and hockey, they also do swimming. Most people prefer to watch tennis and team sports. The most popular competitions that take place in Belarus are National hockey championship, Davis Cup.
The government policy is to make sports accessible to all in Belarus, and this means that the country has excellent sporting facilities in pre-schools, schools and higher education facilities.
Belarusians first took part in the Olympics in the 1952 Helsinki games, as part of a combined USSR team.
The country has an excellent record at the Olympic Games. The first independent Belarus Olympic team took part in the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer and won two silver medals.
In the Beijing 2008 games, Belarus won 19 medals, including 4 gold and 5 silver. The team was most successful in athletics, canoeing and weightlifting and finished 16th in the medals table overall.
There are 3 Olympic training centres in Belarus, in Stayki, Raubichi and Ratomka.
Работа в новых группах. Расскажите вашей группе о популярных видах спорта в стране, которая вам досталась. Дополните таблицу о видах спорта в других странах.
Such team sports as football, rugby, and hockey are popular in the UK. Such individual sports as cricket, golf, tennis, squash, boxing, billiards are popular in the UK. Most people in Britain do walking. Most people prefer to watch tennis.
Great British sporting events includethe Football Cup Final, the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the Open Golf championship and the Grand National.
Работа в парах. Представьте, что вы родом из одной из англоговорящих стран. Позвоните своему другу и обсудите популярные виды спорта в ваших странах.
— Hello, Pete!
— Hello, Alex! We haven’t seen each other for ages!
— That’s true. How are you?
— Fine, thanks. And how are you?
— Great. You know I started to do swimming.
— Really? Is this sport popular in Belarus?
— Quiet. But, of course, biathlon, athletics, gymnastics, tennis, weightlifting, judo are most popular in Belarus. And what team and individual sports are popular with the British?
— Such team sports as football, rugby, and hockey are popular in the UK. Such individual sports as cricket, golf, tennis, squash, boxing, billiards are popular in the UK.
— We also like hockey. And what sports do people do?
— We do walking as the main kind of physical activity. We like to watch tennis and football.
— So do we. I also enjoy watching competitions that take place in Belarus: National hockey championship, Davis Cup. What are your most popular competitions?
— Great British sporting events include the Football Cup Final, the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the Open Golf championship and the Grand National.
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