Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Workbook. Урок 24

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Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что вы можете там видеть.
I can see a museum in the picture.
I can see a theatre in the picture.
I can see a church in the picture.
I can see a cinema in the picture.
I can see a square in the picture.
Скажите, где живет ваш друг, используя слова:
Му friend lives in the country.
My friend lives in a small town.
My friend lives in a big city.
My friend lives near the main square.
My friend lives not far from the cinema.
My friend lives opposite the church.
My friend lives far from the theatre.
My friend lives in front of the market.
Используйте слово rather в следующих предложениях.
1. The kitchen is rather large.
2. The carpet is rather beautiful.
3. The curtains are rather bright.
4. The toilet is rather small.
5. The exercises are rather easy.
6. Many school subjects are rather difficult.
Придумайте свой собственный диалог. Затем разыграйте его. Слова вам помогут.
You: Excuse me. Could you help me?
Your friend: Sure. What do you want?
You: Where is 39 Main Street, please?
Your friend: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the comer and then turn to the right.
You: To the comer and then to the right.
Your friend: That’s right. And then walk one (3 blocks, 4 blocks) block to the nearest cinema (the shop near here, the Zoo, the theatre). And you are in Main Street.
You: Thank you.
Прочитайте первую часть предложения в А и найдите вторую часть в В.
1. b
2. а
3. е
4. с
5. d
Прочитайте и скажите, что друзья Лены увидели в то время, когда пытались найти ее дом.
Lena’s friends saw the cinema, the theatre and the supermarket while they tried to find her house.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Boris is calling Lena.
2. Boris is calling because they are lost.
3. Boris is opposite the cinema.
4. The “Odeon” is rather far from her house.
5. They left the theatre in Green Street, came to the traffic lights and went up the street.
6. Yes, Lena’s house is not far from the museum.
7. Lena lives in a house opposite the museum.
8. I think Lena lives in London.
Посмотрите на план и скажите:
1. Какой самый быстрый путь до дома Лены от Королевского Театра?
The quickest way to get to Lena’s house from the Royal Theatre is to leave the St. John’s Church and the Hotel and turn to the City Museum.
2. Как Борис и его друг пытались добраться до дома Лены от Королевского Театра?
They left the theatre in Green Street, came to the traffic lights and went up the street.
3. Что Борис сделал неправильно?
Boris went wrong at the supermarket.
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