Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Workbook. Урок 10

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Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что Ник обычно делает каждый день недели в … часов. Начните свои предложения так: At … o’clock on … Nick usually ….
At eight o’clock on Monday Nick usually gets up.
At nine o’clock on Tuesday Nick usually goes to school.
At twelve o’clock on Wednesday Nick usually has lunch.
At one o’clock on Saturday Nick usually play football.
At five o’clock on Friday Nick usually watches TV.
At three o’clock on Thursday Nick usually goes shopping.
At six o’clock on Sunday Nick usually reading.
Кого вы встречаете, когда вы идете:
1. в школу – I meet my friends and teachers when I go to school.
2. за покупками – I meet shop assistant when I go shopping.
3. в бассейн – I meet swimmers when I go to the swimming pool.
4. на спортивную площадку – I meet sportsmen when I go to the sports ground.
5. в зоопарк – I meet zookeeper when I go to the Zoo.
Скажите, почему Элис и Эндрю вчера много смеялись.
Alice and Andrew laughed a lot because they saw funny monkeys in the Zoo.
Alice and Andrew laughed a lot because they listened to a comedy.
Alice and Andrew laughed a lot because they saw a funny film.
Alice and Andrew laughed a lot because they heard a joke.
Alice and Andrew laughed a lot because they were happy.
Скажите верно. Как много правдивых предложений о себе вы можете составить?
I sometimes go to the sports ground after classes.
I usually do my homework after classes.
I always eat my breakfast before classes.
I never play with my friends in class.
Прочитайте слова и угадайте их значение.
Программа, чемпион, проблема, фестиваль, традиция, параграф, фотография.
Посмотрите на картинки на страницах 57-58 и используйте Shall I/we..?
1. Shall I help you?
2. Shall I teach you?
3. Shall we go to the museum?
4. Shall I cook dinner?
5. Shall I wash the dishes?
Прочитайте письмо и скажите, о чем Мэрион Хейли, завуч школы Грин Хилл, просит родителей своих учеников.
Marion asks her pupils’ parents about their children will visit to the Natural History Museum in London. She asks parents that their children will be at school at 8 o’clock. Also children must wear their uniform and comfortable shoes, and must bring a raincoat, a packed lunch, an exercise book and a pencil.
Правда или ложь?
1. false
2. true
3. false
4. false
5. true
6. true
Составьте предложения, используя слова: удобный, музей, в классе, униформа, физкультура, ремесло (труд).
My new raincoat is very comfortable.
Tomorrow our class will go to the museum.
We always have lunch together in our class.
My sister wears a beautiful uniform at her school.
I always wear shorts in my P. E. class.
Handicraft is our first class on Monday.
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