Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Student’s book. Part 2. Урок 38

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Дайте ответы Джека на вопросы Джилл.
Jill: What is your hobby, Jack.
Jack: I’m fond of collecting stamps.
Jill: When did you begin to collect stamps?
Jack: I begin to collect stamps at the age of 11.
Jill: Have you got a big collection of stamps?
Jack: Yes, I got a great collection.
Jill: Is it a thematic collection?
Jack: Yes, it is.
Jill: What is your theme?
Jack: My theme is sports.
Посмотрите и скажите, что нравится Бобу и его друзьям.
1. Bob and his friends are fond of birds.
2. Bob and his friends are fond of books.
3. Bob and his friends are fond of collecting stamps.
4. Bob and his friends are fond of singing.
5. Bob and his friends are fond of gardening.
6. Bob and his friends are fond of planes.
7. Bob and his friends are fond of dancing.
8. Bob and his friends are fond of playing football
9. Bob and his friends are fond of watching TV.
10. Bob and his friends are fond of swimming.
11. Bob and his friends are fond of collecting coins.
12. Bob and his friends are fond of going to museums.
13. Bob and his friends are fond of collecting dry leaves.
14. Bob and his friends are fond of animals.
Прочитайте слова и угадайте их значение.
программа, опера, гангстер, шквал (гром) аплодисментов, балет, музыкальный, актер.
Посмотрите на часы и скажите, сколько времени.
1. a quarter past six
2. a quarter past nine
3. a quarter to nine
4. a quarter to three
Вставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо.
1) Have you already bought a ticket to London? The performance at the theatre begins at a quarter to (past) seven. And where are the tickets for the play, by the way?
2) How did you travel last summer? Did you go to the mountains by car or did you go on foot?
3) Who will take part in this work? I think many will because it’s popular with our pupils.
4) Where are our seats? We’re lucky with them. They are in the stalls. I’m fond of sitting in the stalls as you can see the stage very well.
Посмотрите на часы и запишите время.
1. a quarter past two
2. a quarter to two
3. a half past eight
4. ten minutes past eleven
5. five minutes to eleven
Составьте существительные из глаголов.
a) to perform – performance
to play – play
to act – act
b) to travel – traveling
to cry – crying
to shout – shout
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