Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 19

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1. You ought to keep to a fruit diet.
2. You ought to eat more dairy products.
3. You ought to visit your Granny every week.
4. You ought to take some cream, cottage cheese and butter to your grandparents.
5. You ought to take your little sister to the eye specialist.
6. You ought to clean the flat with the vacuum cleaner.
Jim told his mother Nelly had already recovered.
Bill told his mother Caroline nodded to her when she had seen her.
Jack told his mother the picture had fallen down from the wall 3 days ago.
Ann told her mother the doctor had examined her throat.
Fred told his mother it had hurt him to swallow.
Tom told his mother they had bought the medicine.
John told his mother they had felt excited.
Sue told her mother to join them.
Kate asked the teacher when they would go to see the House of Parliament.
Boris asked the teacher if Jack played the violin at school.
Andrew asked the teacher who the book belonged to.
Steve asked the teacher if the bicycle was Nick’s.
George asked the teacher who had protected the little girl.
Pam asked the teacher what separated England from the continent.
I – me – my
He – him – his
She – her – her
It – it – its
We – us – our
You – you – your
They – them – their
them, you, your, it, him, his, their, its
him, him, our, us, your, you, it, it, their
ours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs
When the lesson is over John will cook his dinner.
When the lesson is over Tom will play football.
When the lesson is over George will wash.
When the lesson is over David will read his book.
1. If it doesn’t snow, we will be able to go for a walk.
2. When they finish their job, it will be night.
3. When we learn the poem, we will go to bed.
4. If we go to the cinema, we won’t have free time any more.
5. If the weather is fine, we will go to the country.
1. If it doesn’t rain I will go shopping.
2. If she has money she will book a ticket.
3. If they are hungry they will eat pancakes with caviar.
4. If he is a scientist he will explore the new land.
5. When they are at home they will continue their work.
I will play football if it doesn’t rain.
I will ride a bicycle if it doesn’t rain.
I will go shopping if it doesn’t rain.
I will go for a walk if it doesn’t rain.
I will go to the country if it doesn’t rain.
Radio was invented by A. Popov.
Football was invented in England.
Telephone was invented by A. Bell.
Fast food was invented in America.
Cricket is spread in England.
Boxing is spread all over the world.
Rugby is spread in Britain.
Hockey is spread in Russia.
Golf is spread in Britain.
Football is spread all over the world.
Skiing is spread in Russia.
I will probably play cards next Monday.
I will probably play billiard next Monday.
I will probably play golf next Monday.
Football, hockey, swimming, boxing, running.
He developed this plan in 1999.
He started to develop his business when he was a student.
At literature lessons we develop our ideas.
Reading helps us to develop our imagination.
Government decided to develop the new industry.
Boating, rowing, team, competition, lawn, boat, international, row, college.
Популярные игры и виды спорта в Британии
Британцы, как и все, любят спорт и игры. Но если их спросить, какие виды спорта они любят, то они вероятно назовут футбол, крикет и теннис, хотя многие из них занимаются такими видами спорта как гольф и хоккей, атлетика и альпинизм, конный спорт и лодочный спорт, регби и гребля.
В Британии было изобретено и развито много видов спорта, и игр, в которые сейчас играют во всём мире. Футбол один из них. Вероятно, самый популярный в мире спорт получил развитие в Англии. Он распространён по всей стране — в Англии, Уэльсе, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии. Их национальные команды соперничают друг с другом каждый год. Они принимают участие в разных соревнованиях. Две самые лучшие команды встречаются в матче финального кубка на стадионе Уэмбли в Лондоне. Это один из са-мых важных матчей года. Национальные команды Англии, Уэльса,
Шотландии и Северной Ирландии принимают участие в Европейских соревнованиях и в других международных матчах. В Британии очень много футбольных клубов.
Британцы знамениты своим чувством юмора. Вот одна из их шуток про футбол: “Футбол это игра, в которой одна часть стадиона хочет видеть одиннадцать человек убитыми, и другая часть хочет видеть одиннадцать человек убитыми.”
Крикет ещё одна популярная летняя спортивная игра. Её ещё иногда называют английской национальной игрой. Известно, что в крикет играли ещё в 1550 году. Многие крикет-клубы были основаны ещё в 18-ом веке. Сейчас в эту летнюю игру, типично британскую, играют в школах, колледжах и университетах, и во многих городах и деревнях Британии. Студенты играют недельные игры с позднего апреля до начала сентября. Крикет очень длинная и медленная игра. Международные матчи по крикету длятся по пять дней. В крикет играют не только мужчины. Девушки и женщины тоже играют в эту игру.
Бокс как британский спорт очень старый. Он существовал ещё во времена Саксонов. Гольф начал развиваться в Шотландии и сейчас широко распространён по всей Британии. Теннис ещё одна популярная игра в Британии. В первый раз в неё играли в 1872 году, а первый чемпионат Уимблдона прошёл в 1877 году. В настоящее время каждое лето в июне британцы проводят знаменитый теннисный турнир в Уимблдоне неподалёку от Лондона.
Плавание, гребля и лодочный спорт всегда были популярны в Британии, и ими увлекаются миллионы людей. Но англичане мало интересуются лыжами и коньками, типичными видами спорта для России. Можете объяснить почему?
Skating and skiing are very popular in Russia because there is a lot of snow and winter lasts for six months. There is a lot of place to skate and to ski. But in Britain there isn’t enough place for these sports thus there grass remains green even in winter.
Probably the most popular sport nowadays has been invented in England. Golf began to develop in Scotland and now is spread all over the Britain. Cricket is another popular summer sport. Tennis, or lawn tennis, is another popular game in Britain. Boxing as a British sport is one of the oldest. Swimming, boating and sailing have always been popular in Britain and are enjoyed by millions of people.
Do the British like sport?
Which sports were invented in Britain?
What is the most popular sport in Britain?
What is summer sport game which is very long?
What is the most important tennis championship?
a) The British are fond of sports. There are a lot of kinds of sport in Britain. Some sports were invented in Britain. Football is among them and it became the most popular sport in the world. Golf was invented in Scotland. Also the British enjoy boxing, tennis, cricket, boating, swimming. But they are not much interested in skating and skiing.
b) In Russia a lot of people go in for sports. But in our country winter sports are more popular because we have long winters. There is a lot of snow and people skate and ski a lot. And the most popular winter game is hockey. It is played everywhere. And a lot of people come to the stadium to watch matches. But, of course, people are fond of some summer sports such as football, tennis and some others.
1. If I don’t feel well I will go to the doctor.
2. When my parents come back we will go to the rowing competitions.
3. If it isn’t raining we will play tennis at the court near the house.
4. If Nick is at home at 6 o’clock we will watch football match on TV together.
5. When father comes home we will have dinner and will go to the stadium.
6. If our team trains a lot we will win this competition.
1. This is my team.
2. The picture is mine.
3. Is her boat big or small?
4. Our skates are better than yours.
5. She is an old friend of mine.
6. Where are their children?
7. Is he a friend of yours?
Nouns: cricket, golf, athletics, horse-riding, climbing, club, college, university, rugby, boat, boating, rowing, team, competition, lawn;
Verbs: to go boating, to row, to invent, to develop, to spread, to compete, to exist, to hold;
Adverbs: probably;
Adjectives: international;
Pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
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