Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 17

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Nouns: throat, cough, blood, pain, tongue, lung, chest;
Verbs: to excite, to sneeze, to recover, to worry, to swallow, to hurt, to nod, to examine, to fall;
Adjectives: serious, silly;
Adverbs: seriously, immediately, regularly, carefully, seldom.
1. The show…
2. When he is ill.
3. … his headache.
4. The boy.
5. … her child.
6. … chew.
1. No, when you have a sore throat you can’t go for a walk.
2. Yes, you should always stay in bed when you cough.
3. Yes, you will recover quicker if you stay in bed.
4. No, when the doctor prescribes a medicine for you, you should take it regularly.
5. Yes, the person is healthy when he is free from illness.
6. Yes, you should eat the right food to keep fit.
Mother said that they should go to the doctor in 3 days.
Mother said that the doctor would feel his pulse.
Mother said that the doctor would listen to his heart.
Mother said that she would take his temperature.
Mother said that he shouldn’t worry and he would recover soon.
a) Is there a post office near here?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Red Square.
b) How can I get to Red Square?
a) respect-respectable; move-movable; drink-drinkable; break-breakable
b) ill-illness; white-whiteness; polite-politeness; kind-kindness
What fine weather we are having today!
The information is very important.
Where is the money?
Do you think money is important in our life?
What weather do you like, cold or hot?
What important news!
The advice is good.
1. P1: Jack is coughing badly
P2: What did P1 say?
P3. He said Jack was coughing badly.
2. P1: The doctor examined the patient two days ago.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said the doctor had examined the patient two days ago.
3. P1: Val is seriously ill now.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said Val was seriously ill.
4. P1: You will recover soon.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: Не said you would recover soon.
5. P1: Show me your tongue, please.
P2: What did Pi say?
P3: He told you to show him your tongue.
6. P1: Where did you go last night.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He asked where you had gone last night.
7. P1: Have you done it today?
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He asked if you had done it today.
to suffer, to fry, bitter, definite, definitely, to ride, soft.
1. Milk, sour cream, cheese
2. My grandmother suffers from headache.
3. My sister is on a diet without sugar, meat and bread.
4. Nobody in my family keeps to a diet of salad and fruit.
5. Sour cream is made of cream.
6. Cheese is made from milk.
7. I like fried eggs.
8. I usually fry fish in the evening.
9. Yes, strong coffee tastes bitter.
10. My father usually speak very definitely.
11. I can ride a bicycle in the street.
12. Yes, I like soft drinks.
— When you suffer from a headache you have a pain in the stomach.
— I’m afraid you are not right. You don’t have a pain in the stomach when you suffer from a headache.
— When you suffer from quinsy you have a pain in your leg.
— I’m afraid you are not right. You don’t have a pain in your leg when you suffer from quinsy.
— If you are on a diet you usually a lot of fried meat.
— I’m afraid you are not right. Your don’t eat a lot of fried meat when you are on a diet.
— Your mother lets you eat ice-cream when you have a sore throat.
— I’m afraid you are not right. You mother doesn’t let you eat ice-cream when you have a sore throat.
— You never stay in bed when you are seriously ill.
— I’m afraid you are not right. You always stay in bed when you are seriously ill.
Nick rides his bicycle in the town.
Nick rides his bicycle in the field.
Nick rides his bicycle near the river.
Nick rides his bicycle in the street.
Riding a bike isn’t her cup of tea.
Playing the piano is not my cup of tea.
Writing poems is not my cup of tea.
Shopping is not his cup of tea.
Reading detective stories is not your cup of tea.
Что нам делать, чтобы быть в форме
Дэвид: Привет, Стив. Ты фантастически выглядишь! Я давно тебя не видел, и ты совсем не изменился. Ты выглядишь действительно здоровым.
Стив: Думаю, что да. Я едва ли простужаюсь, может раз в 2-3 года, и всё. Я ничем не страдаю.
Дэвид: Ни от головной боли, ни от боли в спине или в животе?
Стив (смеётся): Нет, и ноги у меня не болят, и руки тоже.
Дэвид: Думаешь, это из-за диеты или упражнений?
Стив: Ну, я не знаю. Я имею в виду, что я люблю еду, которую я ем, и я считаю, что ем здоровую пищу — фрукты, овощи, много салата. Но я также люблю жареную пищу, мясо, рыбу. И я люблю молочные продукты — молоко, сливки, сметану, творог. Я ем хлеб и люблю блины с икрой, хотя я не люблю сладкое. На самом деле я не люблю горькие и сладкие вещи. Как видишь, нельзя сказать, что я на диете.
Дэвид: Нет, определённо. Ты регулярно делаешь упражнения?
Стив: Не достаточно. Моя работа мне не даёт. Летом я играю в волейбол, плаваю и катаюсь на велосипеде. Прошлым летом я попробовал прокатиться на лошади, но понял, что это не моё.
Дэвид: А ты занимаешься каким-нибудь зимним спортом?
Стив: На самом деле нет. Я много хожу. Но никакой ходьбы и игр в помещении. Вот какими упражнениями я занимаюсь. Кстати я не курю и не пью, только неалкогольные напитки.
Doing exercises helps people keep fit.
To keep fit Steve does exercises and eats healthy food.
1. a)
2. a)
3. b)
4. b)
5. b)
6. b)
How do you feel?
When were you ill last?
What was your temperature?
How often do you fall ill?
Do you take exercises regularly?
Do you keep to a diet?
These text is about two man. One of them, Steve, really looks healthy and David said that he hadn’t changed. Steve said that he didn’t keep to a diet, he liked practically all food. He also said that he didn’t take a lot of exercises. But he plays volleyball, swims and rides a bicycle in summer. Steve never smokes and never drinks alcohol.
You should it vegetables, fruit, some dairy products.
You should take swimming, walks in the open air, running.
Cold: ice-cream, butter, dairy products;
Hot: fried eggs, meet, soup;
Cold: bear, Coca-Cola, drinking water;
Hot: tea, coffee, hot milk.
1. To have good sleep.
2. To do morning exercise.
3. Not to eat much.
4. To go in for sports.
5. Go to the forest.
6. Not to drink alcohol.
7. To keep to a diet.
8. To spend more free time in the open air.
9. Go to sleep early.
10. Wake up early.
I was ill last winter. I had high temperature. My mother called a doc-tor. The doctor listened to my heart felt my pulse. He told me to stay in bed for a week. It was very dull. I took medicines 3 times a day. My mother took my temperature. My friends came to see me after school. It is very bad to be ill.
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