Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 88.

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Поиграйте в игру «Чемпион». Кто сможет составить больше всего вопросов? Используйте образец.
Cooking, eating, walking, playing football, having breakfast, lunch, dinner, playing.
Придумайте как можно больше предложений.
Му father comes home at seven o’clock.
I play games every day.
My friend and I go to the swimming pool in the afternoon.
Tom’s brother has lunch every day.
Mr Brown goes for a walk every morning.
Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что они делают обычно и что они делают сейчас.
The girl usually do homework at four o’clock. The girl is doing homework now.
They usually wash the windows at six o’clock. They are washing the windows now.
The boys usually read at five o’clock. The boys are reading now.
They usually clean the house at seven o’clock. They are washing the house now.
Найдите рифмующееся слово для каждого из представленных.
Why — my
Can’t — aunt
His — is
Fall —ball
Or — four
Hi —bye
Go — no
Game — name
Fox — box
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