Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 83.

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Вы знаете как узнать, который час? Укажите на часы и спросите своего соседа, сколько время. Затем поменяйтесь ролями.
What is the time? It is nine o’clock.
What is the time? It is six o’clock.
What is the time? It is four o’clock.
What is the time? It is five o’clock.
What is the time? It is eleven o’clock.
What is the time? It is twelve o’clock.
Сколько правдивых предложений вы можете составить?
It is three o’clock. It is time to go to the sports ground.
It is seven o’clock. It is time to do exercises.
It is eight o’clock. It is time to take a shower.
It is two o’clock. It is time to come home.
It is five o’clock. It is time to go to the swimming pool.
It is six o’clock. It is time to get up.
It is nine o’clock. It is time to go to school.
Посмотрите на картинки и дополните предложения.
This boy has breakfast at seven o’clock.
This girl has breakfast at eight o’clock.
This man has lunch at eleven o’clock.
This woman has lunch at twelve o’clock.
Прочитайте историю. Подумайте над названием.
а) Early morning;
б) Day begins.
Каждое следующее слово должно начинаться на букву, на которую заканчивается предыдущее. Сколько слов вы сможете написать? Кто чемпион?
Wife, engineer, red, doll, love, eye, ear, rat, time, eight, ten, nephew, wolf.

Домашнее задание

Выберите подходящее слово из следующего списка.
Man, men, woman, women, child, children, tooth, teeth.
Посмотрите на картинки (№ 8) и расскажите о маме Лисичке и ее детях.
Mother Fox loves her children. She wakes them up.
She says to them that it is time to go to school. The children go to school.
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