Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 79.

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Решите примеры.
Four and five is nine.
Seven and one is eight.
Three and two is five.
Eight and two is ten.
Six and six is twelve.
Nine and two is eleven.
Придумайте свой собственный диалог и разыграйте его (см. № 5).
— Excuse me.
— Yes. Can I help you?
— Can you tell me the time, please?
— Of course I can. It is five.
— Thanks.
— You are welcome.
Прочитайте шутку «Это не в первый раз» и скажите, почему папа злится. Он думает о зубной щетке или о кошке?
Father is angry because his daughter cleans cat’s teeth with his toothbrush. He thinks about his toothbrush.
Измените подчеркнутую букву так, что бы получилось новое слово.
Block — clock
Pan — can
Pet — set
Life — wife
Box — fox
Rat — cat
Now — how
Glue — blue
Sun — run
Love — move
Too — zoo
Snow — know
Men — ten
Nine — fine

Домашнее задание

Скажите, что делают ваши мама, па па, брат, сестра утром.
Му mother cooks breakfast.
Му father goes to work.
My brother goes to school.
My sister takes a shower.
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