Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 71.

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Маленький Джим задает вопросы своей подруге Ане. Представьте, что вы — Джим, а ваш сосед — Аня. Разыграйте диалог.
Yes, my dinner is ready at three.
No, I don’t always have fish for dinner.
No, I don’t always begin my dinner at five.
No, my sister doesn’t like to eat fish for lunch.
No, my father doesn’t bring ice-cream every day.
No, my cat doesn’t like ice-cream.
Давайте поиграем в игру «Чемпион». Кто сможет придумать как можно больше предложений со следующими словами: рыба, глупый, обед, зуб, зубы, хвастаться?
I like to eat fish. I brush my teeth every day. I like to eat fish for dinner. I don’t boast. My cat is silly.
Дополните список слов, которые вы знаете. Назовите не менее 11 слов. Кто станет чемпионом?
Hungry, lazy, nice, good, bad, teeth, head, well, nose, parents, rabbit, fox, hare, bird, fish, dinner.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Mark’s father is a pilot.
2. Mark wants to fly into the space.
3. Mark is not brave.
4. Mark is afraid of the dark.
5. Mark goes into the dark room because he wants to be a pilot.
6. Father is happy because his son is a brave boy.
7. Mark is happy too because he knows he can be a pilot.
Сделайте краткий пересказ текста.
Mark’s father is a pilot. Mark wants to be a pilot, too. But he is afraid of dark. So he goes into the dark room and stays there for ten minutes. His father is happy because Mark is a brave boy.

Домашнее задание

Вы знаете какие-нибудь сказки о храбрых детях? Расскажите об одном из них.
Hansel and Gretel are brave children. The witch wants to eat them. But they win. They are very brave. They are not afraid of the witch. In the dark forest they find the way back home. They are not afraid of dark.
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