Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 61.

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Вы любите добрых людей? Кто в вашей семье добрый?
I like kind people. Му mother is kind in our family. I love her.
У вас есть добрые друзья? Расскажите об одном из них.
I have got a lot of kind friends. My friend Alex is very kind. He loves cats and dogs. He always helps other people. He always helps me if I ask.
Правда или ложью
1. Wrong.
2. Wrong.
3. Wrong.
4. Wrong.
5. Right.
6. Right.
Вы знаете истории об умных животных? Расскажите об одном из них.
Му dog is a clever animal. We play together. When I lose something my dog brings it to me.
Расскажите коротко, о чем текст. Вы можете использовать текст для ответа.
Brother Hare is little. He wants to be big and clever. His aunt wants to help him. She asks him to bring her a bird.

Домашнее задание

Напишите краткое содержание текста № 7.
Brother Hare is little. He has got a wish. He wants to be big and clever. He goes to his aunt Mammy-Babby. She wants to help. She asks him to bring her a bird.
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