Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 53.

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Работа в парах. Задайте своему соседу вопросы о том месте, в котором он живет. Ответьте на его вопросы.
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
What is your address?
Расскажите, где живут ваши родственники.
Му relatives are from Russia. They live in Saratov. They have got a private house. There is a forest near the house. The house is big and nice.
Давайте поиграем в игру «Чемпион». Кто может составить больше предложений, используя следующие слова: счастливый, умный, падение?
I am happy. I have got a dog. My dog is very clever. When my book falls, it brings this book to me. I love my dog.
Посмотрите на картинку и скажите, что вы видите. Упражнение № 150 поможет вам.
A hen lives in a house. The house is big and nice. It is red. There is a forest and a lake near the house.
Выберите из текста и прочитайте вслух предложения, иллюстрирующие картинки.
а) Jen the Hen has got a family. She has got three little chickens. She has got one son and two daughters. They like to run and jump;
б) Jen the Hen has got three friends. They are ta cat, a dog and a duck. The cat is big and grey. The dog is black and white. He lives in a dog house. The duck is brown. She is big too. She is a good swimmer. She lives near the lake.
Опишите друзей Джен.
См. № 8 б)

Домашнее задание

I think that Jen the Hen is happy. She has got a family and big brown house. She loves her children. They are happy family. She has got three friends. She loves them too.
Составьте стихотворение «В зоопарке» (упражнение № 5) и придумайте свое.
I have got a lot of hens.
They all are my friends.
They are brown and white.
One, two, three, four, five.
I already can count to ten.
Because I have got a hen.
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