Верещагина 1. Учебник. Урок 27

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13: — Привет, ты Питер? — Нет. — Кто ты? — Я Дик. А как тебя зовут? — Я Китти. — Сколько тебе лет, Китти? — Мне 6. А сколько тебе лет, Дик? — Мне 7. — Пока, Дик! — Пока, Китти!
16: Я Таня. Мне 7 лет. Я из России. Я Пэм. Мне 6 лет. Я из Америки.
25: — Полли из Америки? — Нет. — Откуда она? — Она из Великобритании. — Ей 6 лет? — Нет. — Сколько ей лет? — Ей 7 лет.
33: Привет, меня зовут Китти. Мне 7 лет. Я из Великобритании. У меня есть мама. Её зовут Хелен. У меня есть папа. Его зовут Джон. У меня есть бабушка. Её зовут Энн. Пока.
Му name is Lena. I am from Russia. I am seven. I am fine. I have got a mother. Her name is Anna. I have got a father. His name is Kirill. I have got a grandmother. Her name is Tamara. They are fine. They are from Russia.
Hi! Bye! What is your name? Where are you from? How are you? Have you got a mother? What is her name? Have you got a father? What is his name? Have you got a grandmother? What is her name? Have you got a grandfather? What is his name? Where are they from? How are they?
I, you, he, she, my, your, his, her, yes, no, hello, goodbye, six, seven, who, how, where, name, from, Russia, Great Britain, America, Africa, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, thank you, fine.
1) — Who are you?
— I am Vasya.
2) —What is your name?
— My name is Vasya.
3) —Who is she?
— She is Kitty.
4) — What is her name?
— Her name is Kittv.
5) —Who is he?
— He is Nick.
6) — What is his name?
— His name is Kolya.
7) — Where are you from?
— I am from Russia.
8) —Where is he from?
— He is from Great Britain.
9) — Where is she from?
— She is from America.
10) — Where is his grandmother from?
— She is from Africa.
11) — Where is her grandmother from?
— She is from Great Britain.
12) — How are you?
— I am fine, thanks.
13) — How is your mother?
— She is fine, thanks.
14) — How is your father?
— He is fine, thanks.
15) — Have you got a Grandmother?
— Yes.
16) —Have you got a Grandfather?
— No.
17) —How old are you?
— I am seven.
18) — How old is he?
— He is six.
19) — How old is she?
— She is seven.
1) Now tell me please.
2) That is my name.
3) and
4) red and blue
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