Ваулина, 9. Учебник. Модуль 8c. Упражнение 1

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b) Прочитайте таблицу и заполните пропуски, затем ответьте на вопросы.
was shrinking;
The tenses change into the past form of the particular verb form in the direct speech.
The pronouns change to refer to the person saying the speech and others in the speech.
said and told. Said is used when the person spoken to is not mentioned.
A positive command is reported using to + infinitive verb. A negative command is reported using not to + infinitive verb.
Time Expressions change in reported speech according to the meaning of the sentence.
today – that day
yesterday – the day before, the previous day
tomorrow – the next day, the following day
next week – the week after, the following week
last year – the year before, the previous year
this – that
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