Вставьте: selfish, sociable, pessimistic, shrugged, clenched, patient, reliable, stubborn, shy, insincere.
1. clenched;
2. sociable;
3. pessimistic;
4. patient;
5. reliable;
6. insincere;
7. selfish;
8. shy;
9. shrugged;
10. stubborn.
1. clenched;
2. sociable;
3. pessimistic;
4. patient;
5. reliable;
6. insincere;
7. selfish;
8. shy;
9. shrugged;
10. stubborn.
Закончите предложения словами, производными от выделенных слов.
1. optimistic;
2. attractive;
3. generous;
4. furious;
5. boring.
1. optimistic;
2. attractive;
3. generous;
4. furious;
5. boring.
Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола в скобках.
1. take;
2. is looking;
3. tastes;
4. are going to trip;
5. was cooking;
6. dressed;
7. will have;
8. has/had been working;
9. is always shouting;
10. is thinking
1. take;
2. is looking;
3. tastes;
4. are going to trip;
5. was cooking;
6. dressed;
7. will have;
8. has/had been working;
9. is always shouting;
10. is thinking
Дополните фразовый глагол правильным предлогом.
1. along;
2. down;
3. across;
4. over;
5. over with.
1. along;
2. down;
3. across;
4. over;
5. over with.
Вставьте в пропуски правильный предлог.
1. with;
2. at;
3. on;
4. of;
5. of.
1. with;
2. at;
3. on;
4. of;
5. of.
Соедините реплики no смыслу.
1. – с
2. – a
3. – e
4. – b
5. – d
Открыть всю книгу
1. – с
2. – a
3. – e
4. – b
5. – d