Ваулина 5. Модуль 7b

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Том и Анна покупают одежду он-лайн. Что у них в сумках? Посмотрите на вещи Анны (А) и Тома (Т) и закончите список.
1. shoes
2. jumper
3. skirt
4. gloves
1. Scarf
2. trousers
3. tie
4. shirt
Закончите слова.
1. shirt
2. skirt
3. trousers
4. jumper
1. scarf
2. tie
3. gloves
4. shoes
а) Посмотрите на картинки. Что надето на этих людях?
Steve and Bill are wearing suits, shirts and ties. John is wearing a shirt and jeans.
Ann is wearing a dress.
Stuart is wearing a shirt and jeans.
Mary is wearing a blouse and trousers.
Используйте данные слова, чтобы задать вопросы. Затем ответьте на них.
1. Are you picking flowers at the moment?
2. Are you wearing a scarf and gloves?
3. Are you raking leaves now?
4. Have you got a raincoat?
5. Doesn’t he swim well?
6. Is it raining outside?
Используйте подсказки, чтобы спросить и ответить.
2. A: What is Paul doing? –
В: He’s doing his homework.
A: How often does he do his homework?
B: Every afternoon.
3. A: What is Mary doing?
B: She’s walking the dog.
A: How often does she walk the dog?
B: Every morning.
4. A: What are Bob and Paul doing?
B: They are cooking lunch.
A: How often do they cook lunch?
B: Every afternoon.
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