- (An activity for children’s language development.)
Point to the toys in the picture and elicit the appropriate words. Children repeat, chorally and individually. Then ask:Teacher: Where is the teddy bear?
Child: It ‘s on the bed. etc - Play the song on the cassette/CD. Children listen and look at the illustration. During the second listening, hold up your book and point to the items mentioned in the song, encouraging children to join in. Next, demonstrate the actions and play the song, encouraging children to participate fully. Teacher hands out flashcards of the toys mentioned to various children and they hold them up whenever the items are heard.)
Toys, toys, everywhere,
Toys on my bed,
Toys on my chair!Lots and lots and lots of toys,
Toys for girls and toys for boys!Toys, toys, everywhere,
Toys on my bed,
Toys on my chair!Teddy bears, dolls, balls and kites
In my room all day and night!Toys, toys everywhere,
Toys on my bed,
Toys on my chair! - (See Introduction for further ideas on how to exploit songs.)
Ending the lesson
- Children are in pairs. Child A takes out his/her toy picture cards (doll, ball, teddy, bear, kite, car, plane, train, boat) and arranges them as though in a shop. Child B is the customer. Teach the children this short exchange:
A: Hello.
B: Hello, a (doll) and a (kite), please!
A: Here you are! (hands over appropriate flashcards)
B: Thank you. Goodbye!
Children play “shop”, taking it in turns to be the shopkeeper and the customer.