Биболетова 4 класс – Unit 2 – Enjoying your home – Рабочая тетрадь

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Заполни кроссворд и в выделенных клетках ты прочитаешь слово. Правильно подобрать слова тебе помогут предложения.
1) Tiny usually has his breakfast at 2 o’clock.
2) There is a big window in the house.
3) Sit at the table and write the letter.
4) We can play chess well.
5) Simon’s house is small but nice.
6) There are two big bedrooms in my flat.
7) They put old things (вещи) in their pantry.
kitchen – кухня
Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Напиши их.
House; pantry; bathroom; living room; door; kitchen.
Переведи на английский язык.
В квартире – in the flat;
в доме – in the house;
большая гостиная – large living room;
маленькая кухня – small kitchen;
два окна – two windows.
Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.
1) There are two bedrooms in our flat.
2) There is a nice living room in his house.
3) There are no pantries in our flat.
4) There is a nice bathroom in my flat.
5) There is no TV in my room.
Напиши о своей квартире / доме. Используй эти вопросы как план.
I live in a flat. Ye have got three rooms. I have got my own room. My room is rather big.
Посмотри на картинку и напиши, какие предметы здесь изображены.
A bed – кровать;
a clock – часы;
an armchair – кресло;
a picture – картина;
a carpet – ковер;
a lamp – лампа;
TV – телевизор;
a mirror – зеркало;
a table – стол;
a shelf – полка;
a chair – стул;
books – книги.
Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.
1) clock;
2) wall;
3) nice.
Вставь пропущенные слова: is или are.
1) There is a nice woman in the kitchen.
2) Is there an old armchair in Tiny’s house? – Yes, there is.
3) There are five shelves with interesting books in his room.
4) There are no clocks in the living room.
5) There is a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room.
Расставь слова в нужном порядке. Запиши предложения.
1) There is a big window in my flat.
2) There are no pantries in our house.
3) He shares his room with his friend.
4) Is there a hall in his flat?
5) Have you got a room of your own?
Запиши вопросы, на которые отвечала Джилл.
1) Is there a picture on the table?
2) Are there a lot of postcards on the table?
3) Is there a computer in the room?
4) Are there any old things in the pantry?
Посмотри на картинку. Прочитай список вещей. Запиши, чего нет в комнате.
A bed – кровать; a clock – часы; three chairs – 3 стула; two picture – картина; a carpet – ковер; a lamp – лампа;
two computers – два компьютера;
a table – стол; a fireplace – камин; a shelf – полка; a shirt – рубашка; flowers – цветы; a bird – птица; а саке – торт; books – книги; a piano – пианино.
1) There is no TV in the room.
2) There is no clock in the room.
3) There is no computer in the room.
4) There is no fireplace in the room.
5) There is no pictures in the room.
Выбери нужный предлог.
1) There are a lot of books on the shelf.
2) There are chairs next to the fireplace.
3) There is a computer on the desk.
4) There is a new carpet on the floor.
5) There is a big poster on the wall.
6) Have you got a walkman of your own?
Напиши названия: 1) пяти предметов мебели, которые тебе необходимы в комнате; 2) пяти предметов мебели, без которых ты можешь обойтись.
1) I need a table, a chair, a bed, a lamp and a shelf.
2) I don’t need a sofa, a TV set, a carpet, a wardrobe and a picture.
Прочитай рассказ Дэна. Вставь артикли а и the, где это необходимо.
Му name is Dan. I haven’t got a room of my own. I share it with my little brother Sam. There is a round table at the window. There are three chairs at the table. The fourth chair is at the wall. There is a sofa, a bed, a big clock and a lot of toys in our room. There is no TV in the room. We like to play in our room.
Вставь пропущенные слова is или are.
There is a big grey carpet on my floor.
There are three windows in our living room. There are a lot of books on the shelves.
There is a nice armchair in Tiny’s house.
There are no chairs in my bedroom.
Переведи на английский язык.
На полу – on the floor; в левом углу – in the left corner; в правом углу – in the right corner; под кроватью – under the bed; над столом – above the table; за креслом – behind the armchair; между диваном и пианино – between the sofa and the piano; рядом с камином – near to the fireplace.
Выбери нужное слово.
1) a)
2) с)
3) a)
4) b)
Расшифруй пословицу, которую Тайни любит часто повторять.
There is no place like home. – Нет лучше места, чем дом родной.
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