Быкова 2 класс. Unit 10. The Ugly Duckling

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Aims: To present the story of the Ugly Duckling
Pupil Language: I’m all alone. – Where can I go? – Look at the ice, – Look at the snow.
Teacher Language: Look at the Ugly Ducking. – It’s cold. – What’s this? – It’s snow. – Look at the fish jump!
Extra Materials: Photocopies of activity story page (Extension).

Beginning the lesson

  • Wait by the door and greet the children as they arrive.
  • (An activity to revise the vocabulary of the story.)
    Tell the children to try to recall the last episode of the story (p. 43) and ask: How many animals? (Five). Then ask children to name all the animals from the story. (Rabbit, cat, dog, mouse, Ugly Duckling.) 

Presentation & Practice

  • (Activities to present the story.)
    Draw a large 55 on the board. Point to it, mime and say: Open your books at page fifty-five!
  • Hold up your book. Point to the Ugly Duckling and say: Look at the Ugly Ducking. It’s cold (miming the action). Point to the snow and ask: What’s this? Say: It ‘s snow. Children repeat, chorally and individually. Do the same for the word ice.
  • Play the cassette/CD. Children listen. Play the cassette/CD again and pause after each line for children to repeat, chorally and individually.

    Ugly Duckling: I ’m all alone.
    Where can I go?
    Look at the ice,
    Look at the snow!

  • Teach the phrases: I ’m all alone. Where can I go? Allow children some time to practise the phrases.
  • Ask children to mime the Ugly Ducking shivering and act out the dialogue.

    Child 1: I ‘m all alone.
    Child 2: Where can I go? etc

Before going into class
Photocopy the corresponding activity page of the story (one per child).

  • Hand out a photocopy to each child. Explain the activity. Allow children some time to complete the task. Check children’s answers.

Ending the lesson

  • Say while miming: I ’m cold! Invite the children to do the same. Then, smile and say: I ’m happy! Invite the children to do the same. Follow the same procedure with I ’m sad, I ’m hot. Explain the game. The children walk around in a circle. Say a sentence, e.g. I ’m cold! The children repeat and mime being cold. Keep changing the instructions.


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