Учебник 1. Unit 4. Посещение школы. Шаг 5, страница 113

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Послушай и закончи вопросы. Скажи, что Джон ответил отцу.
1) Are there any…;
2) Is there…;
3) … are there in the box?
4) … is there…;
5) Are there any pens in the box?
6) … are there…;
7) Is there…;
8) … is there…;
9) Is there….
2) No, there isn’t.
3) There is one.
4) There is a man (teacher) there.
5) Yes, there are.
6) There are live.
7) Yes, there is.
8) There is a teddy bear there.
9) Yes, there is.
Прочитай письмо, составь вопросы к ответам.
1) Is your school new or old?
2) Is your school near your house?
3) Do you take a bus to go to school?
4) How many classrooms are there in your school?
5) Are there any plants on the windowsills?
6) What colour is the blackboard?
7) What is there on the wall?
8) How many desks are there in your classroom?
9) How many chairs are there?
10) Is there a piano in your classroom?
Задание в учебнике.
Выбери правильную форму глагола.
1) are;
2) is;
3) are;
4) is;
5) are;
6) is;
7) is.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Посмотри на рисунки и угадай, что говорят люди.
1 k;
2 i/d;
3 i/d;
4 j;
5 h;
6 f;
7 e, g;
8 a;
9 b:
10 c;
11 l.
Найди слова с противоположным значением.
1 i;
2 е;
3 j;
4 d;
5 b;
6 с;
7 h;
8 f;
9 a;
10 g;
11 k;
12 l.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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