Учебник 1. Unit 1. Знакомство с Джоном Баркером. Шаг 4, страница 15

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Послушай и ответь.
1) You are welcome.
2) Hi!/Hello!
3) Good evening!
4) Bye./See you.
5) You are welcome.
6) Nice to meet you.
7) Hi. Jane./Hello, Jane./Nice to meet you, Jane.
8) I’m from…
9) Yes, I do./No. I don’t.
А. Вежливо попроси выполнить действия.
1) Speak English, please!
2) Go to the shop, please!
3) Feed your dog, please!
4) Sing this song, please!
5) Read your book, please!
6) Go to the bank, please!
7) Count the chicks, please!
8) Drive the car, please!
В. Вежливо попроси не выполнять действия.
1) Don’t speak English, please!
2) Don’t go to the shop, please!
3) Don’t feed your dog, please!
4) Don’t sing this song, please!
5) Don’t read your book, please!
6) Don’t go to the bank, please!
7) Don’t count the chicks, please!
8) Don’t drive a car, please.
Используя таблицу, составь вопросы.
What do they usually read? What does Sam often love to do in winter? What books does Peter usually read? What food do they like to cook? What songs does Peter often sing?
Вспомни притяжательные местоимения и заверши предложения.
1) his;
2) my;
3) their;
4) her;
5) its;
6) your;
7) your;
8) our.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Скажи, кому принадлежат предметы.
1) This is Billy’s ball.
2) This is Justin’s horse.
3) These are Kathie’s mice.
4) This is Mr Ross’s television.
5) These are Tom’s books.
6) This is Liz Brown’s house.
7) These are Melissa’s boots.
8) These are Mr Robertson’s cows.
Выполни задания I-5 в рабочей тетради.
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