Послушай и соедини людей с их действиями.
1) c;
2) b;
3) d;
4) c;
5) a;
6) b;
7) e;
8) e;
9) e.
1) c;
2) b;
3) d;
4) c;
5) a;
6) b;
7) e;
8) e;
9) e.
Отметь фразы, подходящие к картинкам.
1) Peter is washing the plates.
2) Peter is feeding his horse.
3) Peter is taking a music lesson.
4) Peter is swimming in the swimming pool.
5) Peter is coming to work.
1) Peter is washing the plates.
2) Peter is feeding his horse.
3) Peter is taking a music lesson.
4) Peter is swimming in the swimming pool.
5) Peter is coming to work.
Раскрой скобки.
1) is driving;
2) is sleeping;
3) are finishing;
4) are taking;
5) am washing
1) is driving;
2) is sleeping;
3) are finishing;
4) are taking;
5) am washing
Задание в учебнике.
Вычеркни лишнее слово.
1) tree;
2) house;
3) wash;
4) teacher.
Открыть всю книгу
1) tree;
2) house;
3) wash;
4) teacher.