Несвит, 6. Unit 3. Lesson 2

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1. — No, I don’t. I usually have a sandwich and a cup of tea. What about you?
— I usually have a sandwich and a cup of tea too.
2. — Yes, I do.
— No, I don’t. My Muni cooks me a breakfast. What about you?
3. — I eat my breakfast at 7o’clock. What about you?
— I eat my breakfast at 7.15 o’clock.
4. — I drink a tea in the morning. And what about you?
— I drink a tea too.
5. — Yes, I do. And what about you?
— No, I don’t.
6. — I eat potato in the morning. What about you?
— I eat rice in the morning.
1. My Mum usually has sandwich and coffee for breakfast.
2. My father usually has bread and butter, eggs, sausage and tea for breakfast.
3. I usually have bread and butter, sausage and tea for breakfast.
Kate always has a boiled egg, some toasts and a glass of milk or an orange juice for breakfast.
Kim always has cereal for breakfast with lots of milk on it.
Dan has some fruit or a yoghurt for breakfast.
— Dan
— Dan
— Kim
— Kate
1. Awfully, awful
2. Bitterly, bitter
3. Beautifully, beautiful
4. Deliciously, delicious
5. Wonderful, wonderfully
— What kind of food do you like to eat?
— I like to eat healthy food.
— What healthy food do you know?
— The healthy food are: porridge, egg, milk, juice, fruit and vegetables.
— What kind of foods should people avoid?
— People should avoid unhealthy food, such as fast food.
Tom — I eat a big lunch at school. Usually I eat potato with meat or fish, sandwich and glass of milk or juice. What about you?
— I eat a package lunch at school. Usually I have a sandwich, banana and yogurt.
I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat. So I eat fruit and vegetables every day. I like fresh bananas, oranges and apples. I always drink milk, but I don’t like water. Sometimes I like to cook. I like to cook omellette with tomatoes. I always buy food in the-market.
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