Несвит, 5. Unit 7. Lesson 1

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b) Mark is from Belfast. (Mark lives in Belfast.) Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
Julia is from Edinburgh. (Julia lives in Edinburgh.) Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
John is from Cardiff. (John lives in Cardiff. ) Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in Europe, on the British Isles.
2. People call country Great Britain for short because it is the name of the biggest island.
3. Great Britain is an island country.
4. Great Britain consists of four parts. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of England. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
5. English is the official language of the country.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.
2. There are about 2,000 islands.
3. The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
4. London is the capital of England.
5. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
6. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
7. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
It is a picture of Ukrainian plain. It is near the sea. I think it is in the Crimea. In the distance we can see a part of the shore. The sea is calm. The weather is nice.
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