Несвит, 5. Unit 4. Lesson 5

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b) Ann and Dan decided to watch a programme about animals. It was about blue whales.
1. Ann likes to watch game shows. Agree.
2. Dan’s favourite programme starts in half an hour. Disagree.
3. Dan’s favourite programme is about animals. Agree.
4. Ann likes to watch educational programmes. Disagree.
5. Ann agrees with Dan. Agree.
6. The children are going to play a game. Agree.
— Let’s watch TV today.
— OK. What is on Channel 1 today?
— There are some interesting programmes. There is a game show: The Smartest Child. I like this programme.
— I like it too. When does it start?
— It’s at a quarter past one.
— Let’s watch TV today.
— OK. What is on Fox Kids Channel today?
— There are some interesting films. There is a film: The Little Mermaid. This is my favourite film.
— I like it too. When does it start?
— It’s at ten past nine.
— It’s nine o’clock. Switch on TV.
1. The news is on Channel 3 at nine o’clock every evening. When does the news programme start on Channel 3?
2. There was documentary about traffic problems in cities on TV yesterday. What was there on TV yesterday?
3. I watch a good documentary about birds in the Antarctic. What is the programme you usually watch?
4. I can get the sports news on Channel 1 at 4 o’clock every day. When can you see the sports news?
5. My mum watches soap operas every evening. What does your mother do every evening?
6. He is watching football at the moment. What is he doing at the moment?
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