Быкова 2 класс. Module 4. Spotlight on the UK – London Zoo!

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Aims: To familiarize children with British culture and talk about the London Zoo.
Pupil language: Consolidation.
Teacher language: Look at the penguin at the London Zoo! – What animals are in the zoo?
Extra materials: Sheets of paper.

  • (An activity to talk about London Zoo.)
    Point to the title and say: London Zoo! Children repeat, chorally and individually. Then point to the pictures and say: Look at the penguin at the London Zoo! Children repeat, chorally and individually.
  • Tell children that there are about 12,000 animals at the London Zoo and it’s the home of the famous Penguin Pool. Ask: What animals are in the zoo? Elicit children’s answers.
  • Optional: Hand out sheets of paper to children and ask them to draw a zoo in their country. Once they finish they present their drawings to the class.

This is (San Diego) Zoo. Look at the animals!

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