Быкова 2 класс. Module 3. Portfolio – My Toys!

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Aims: To talk about toys.
Pupil Language: Consolidation.
Teacher Language: What’s this? What colour is the kite?
Extra Materials: Sheets of paper.


  • (An activity to revise the language of the unit.)
    Refer the children to the picture of the teddy bear and kite. Point to the title and say: My Toys! Children repeat, chorally and individually. Then point to the picture and ask:

    Teacher: What’s this?
    Child 1: It ‘s a teddy bear.
    Teacher: What colour is the kite?
    Child 2: Red and yellow. etc

  • Ask children to talk about their toys, in L1 if necessary. What kind of toys do they play with? Do they like playing with balls/dolls or with electronic toys?
  • Hand out a sheet of paper to each child. Ask them to draw and colour in their favourite toy. Allow them some time to complete their work. Once they have finished they present it to class.

    This is my train.
    It is big and red.

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