Лапицкая, 4. Unit 2. Lesson 6

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Dinky is one hundred and thirty-five.
Clinki is one hundred and fifty-eight.
Plop is ninety-three.
Pinky is thirty-eight.
Linky is thirty-eight.
Winky is sixty-seven.
Это мои родители. Их зовут Динки и Клинки. Они милые. Им 135 и 158. Моя мама ветеринар роботов. Мой папа делает роботов. Это мой брат. Его зовут Винки. Ему 67. Он добрый и смешной. Он водитель звёздного автобуса.
Это мои сёстры. Их зовут Пинки и Линки. Им 38. Они красивые. Мои сёстры ученицы. Мы вместе играем в звёздный мяч.
Это мой дядя. Его зовут Плоп. Ему 93. Он очень умный. Он программист. Это мои двоюродные брат и сестра Моб и Тиноппа и их мама Слоппа. Они милые и добрые. Я очень люблю свою семью! Они супер!
Pinky and Linky are pupils.
Winky is kind.
Dinky and Clinky are nice.
Dinky is a robo-vet.
Clinky is a robot maker.
Winky is a driver.
Plop is a programmer.
Mob, Sloppa and Tinoppa are kind.
Mob, Tinoppa and Sloppa are nice.
Plop is clever.
Pinky and Linky are beautiful.
This is my mother. Her name is … . She is 38. She is very beautiful. She is a teacher. This is my father. His name is … . He is 40. He is kind and clever. He is a businessman. This is my sister. Her name is … . She is 15. She is a pupil. She is very nice. This is my brother. His name is … . He is 5. He is very funny.
This is my granny. Her name is … . She is 58. She is nice and kind. This is my uncle. His name is … . He is very clever. He is a programmer. These are my aunt and my cousin. Their names are … and … . They are beautiful and kind. I love my family very much! They are super!
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