Кузовлев, 5, 2013. Учебник. Unit 3. Lesson 5

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Работа в парах. Пол и Клэр обсуждают их достижения. Какие достижения у Пола, а какие у Клэр? Найдите два разговора.
Первый разговор:
— Hi, Clare! What’s the news?
— I’ve won the computer competition.
— Great! When was it?
— Last month.
— What did you do there?
— I presented a new computer, program. I wrote it in the computer club.
— How interesting! How long have you been in the computer club?
— For two years.
— Have you written another new program yet?
— Not yet. But I am working on it.
Второй разговор:
— Paul! Glad to see you. Is there anything new?
— Yes, a lot. We’ve had a concert at school, and I’ve taken part in the riding competitions.
— How interesting! Did you win a prize?
— Not now.
— Have you got any prizes?
— I’ve won two prizes already. I hope to win more.
— How long have you taken part in the competitions?
— I’ve ridden horses since I was 4. And I’ve already taken part in the horse riding competitions for 3 years.
— Will you take part in other competitions?
— Of course, I will.
Друзья Клэр обсуждают недавние события. О чём они говорят? Дополните их разговор.
— On holidays I went to a camp. I go there every year.
— How long have you visited the camp?
— I’ve visited the camp since I was 9.
— Isn’t it boring?
— No, it’s not. We do a lot of different things there.
— What have you done this year?
— We’ve sewed soft toys.
— I don’t think that’s very interesting.
— I’m tired.
— What have you done?
— We’ve picked up garbage near the river.
— How long have you worked?
— We’ve worked there for 2 hours.
— You can sing really well.
— Thank you.
— How long have you sung?
— I have sung in the choir for 4 years.
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