Клементьева, 7-9. Учебник. Раздел 8. Грамматическая практика

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1) В какое время вам пришлось встать вчера?
Yesterday I had to get up at 7 o’clock.
2) Почему вам пришлось встать так рано?
Because I had to go to school.
3) Вам долго пришлось пробыть в школе?
Yes, I did. I had to stay at school long.
4) Как долго вам пришлось пробыть?
I had to stay there for 5 hours.
5) Сколько экзаменов вам придется сдавать в конце года?
I will have to take 4 exams at the end of the school year.
6) Сколько лет вам придется учиться перед тем, как вы закончите школу?
I will have to study for 2 years before I leave school.
7) Какие предметы вам придется учить в следующем году?
I will have to study Biology, Physics, Trigonometry, Chemistry, Ecology, Economy, Sociology and so on.
1) Can you lend me one of your books, please?
2) Could you tell me the way to the nearest subway station, please?
3) Can you send my letter, please?
4) Can you let me have a look at your homework?
5) Could you close a classroom window, please?
Школьные правила
1. Дети должны приходить в школу вовремя.
I like this rule because when children are late teachers become angry.
2. Дети должны носить форму. Девочки не должны надевать серьги. (Вы можете поранить себя или других учеников.)
I dislike this rule because it is not always comfortable to wear a uniform. And I don’t see what harm earrings may cause.
3. Дети не должны приносить деньги в школу.
I like this rule because other students may steal them.
4. Дети не должны приносить животных в школу.
I like this room because they can run away and harm someone.
5. Дети не должны играть в игры с мячом в школе.
I like this rule because they can cause some damage to school.
I’ve got the flu. — You must go to the doctor.
I have a headache. — You must take aspirin three times a day after meals.
I have a cold. — You must stay in bed for the next few days.
I have a fever. — You should go straight home to bed.
I have a sore throat. — You can eat whatever you like, but you’ll have
to drink plenty of liquids.
Точная оплата за проезд
Без сдачи
You can see this advertisement in the bus or any other transport. It means: you must pay the exact sum without any change.
You can see this advertisement in the theatre. It means: you must keep silence in this place.
Не фотографировать
You can see this advertisement in the museum. It means: you mustn’t take pictures in this place.
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