Клементьева, 7-9. Учебник. Раздел 7. Грамматическая практика

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Ответьте на вопросы (стр. 269)
1) Вам нравится читать? Yes, I do. I like to read.
2) Чтение ваше хобби? Yes, it is.
3) Какое у вас хобби? My hobby is reading.
4) Как зовут ученика, который сидит рядом с вами?/перед вами?/за вами?
Puzanov Sasha is sitting next to me Kushkin Andrey is sitting in front of me. Zamula Vitalik is sitting behind me.
5) Вам понравилась книга, которую вам дали на прошлой неделе?
Yes, I did.
6) Почему важно учить английский в наши дни?
Because it is an international language, so knowing English you can talk to people from different countries.

1) Когда вы говорите человеку: “Я рад, что с вами познакомился”.
I say it after our meeting.
2) Какая разница между “I’m glad to meet you” и “I’m glad to have met you?”
I say “I am glad to meet you” when I’m meeting someone. I say “I am glad I have met you” about our meeting in the past.
3) Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как президент говорит по радио?
Yes, I have.
1) My mother doesn’t let me smoke.
2) My father made me go to school yesterday.
3) I heard her playing the piano in the morning.
4) I don’t want you to spend your money on it.
5) I want my mother to help me to do my homework.
6) I saw him walking near our house.
I want you to go to the food fair.
You saw her play with children.
He would like me to know table manners.
She heard him talking with his mouth full.
We watch them put the napkin on the lap.
They made me leave the party at eleven o’clock.
She let me go to the party.
They want him to leave the party by eleven o’clock.
I would like you to come to the party on time.
He heard us taking part in the conversation at the table.
We want you to learn table manners.
I like to watch TV, play computer games, listen to music and play the guitar in the evening.
2) Desks need repairing.
3) Houses need painting.
4) Small towns need developing.
Would you mind coming back later?
Would you mind siting in the next row?
Would you mind opening the window?
Would you mind closing the door?
Would you mind giving Mr. Garrett this message?
Would you mind giving this book to Alison?
Would you mind explaining it again?
Would you mind holding my bag?
1) Какие фильмы, как вам кажется, стоит увидеть?
I think that “Gone With The Wind”, “Titanic”, “Pulp Fiction” and “From Dusk Till Dawn” are worth seeing.
2) Вам нравится путешествовать самолетом? Почему?
Yes, I do. Because it is the fastest way of travelling.
3) Что вы делаете после того, как приходите домой из школы?
After coming home from school I usually have dinner.
4) Что вам нравится больше: ходить в театр или в кино?
I enjoy going to the movies more.
5) Вам нравится или не нравится путешествовать на длинные расстояния поездом? I dislike travelling long distance by train.
6) Когда вы предпологаете закончить изучать английский?
I expect to stop studying English at the institute.
7) Какие места в вашем городе стоит посетить? I think that Red
Square, the Kremlin and Poklonnaya Gora are worth visiting in my city.
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