Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 3. Раздел 7. Урок 14

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Прослушать диалог “В доме Гарретов”. Прочитать его и перевести. Ответить на вопросы к диалогу на стр. 266. Найти герундий, инфинитив и причастие. Объяснить их значение.
Gerunds visiting our going waiting eating tasting
Infinitives to have lunch to try to make to come to advertise to know to take to be go
Participles going trying fried being served
Закончите предложения.
1) Alison wanted Sasha to try peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and iced tea.
2) Alison wanted Sasha to come to their annual food fair.
3) Food fair is when restaurants and cafes set up food booths and give out samples of food for free.
4) They give away their food for free to advertise their restaurant.
Пересказать диалоги стр. 264-265 в косвенной речи.
“At the Garrets house”
Alison wanted Sasha to try different types of American food such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sasha told Alison he had never heard of such food. Alison suggested going to their annual food fair because it was worth visiting. Sasha asked what a food fair was. Alison explained that a food fair was when the restaurants and cafes in town gave out samples of their food for free. She said that it was a way to advertise their restaurant because they wanted more people to visit it later. Alison asked Dad if he would go to the food fair. Dad promised to give them a ride and asked to wait for him because he has left his keys upstairs.
“On the main street”
Alison told Sasha they were at last on Main Street. Sasha said that he heard music and saw many people going to the food fair. He told Alison that he liked the street because there were so many food booths and interesting things for children. Alison wanted Sasha to look at the clowns. She said they wanted the children to be happy and were trying to make them laugh. Sasha told Alison that they were very funny.
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