Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Раздел 6. Урок 13

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Стр. 70. Переведите на английский язык.
1) Why does summer seem endless in June?
2) What gives rise to great expectations?
3) He learnt a couple of languages during the year, didn’t he?
4) “Is your sister a vegetarian?”-Yes, she is.
5) There will be nothing very wrong with all this.
6) He decided to become a doctor.
7) Marina was eager to see England.
8) Who has sponsored your trip?
9) He turned out to be a good friend.
10) John’s parents talked him out of that trip but he wanted to go to the Black Sea very much.
11) Luckily she managed to keep records of Betsy’s stories about England.
12) Did the Royal Pavilion play the key role in Brighton’s developing?
13) They were allowed to see the castle.
14) I’m looking forward to meeting my English friends.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) У вас есть планы на летние каникулы? — Yes, I do.
2) Как вы думаете, лето в июне кажется бесконечным? — Yes, I do. I think summer in June seems endless.
3) Чего Марина ожидала от лета? — Marina’s expectations for the summer were to learn a couple of languages, lose a couple of pounds, become a vegetarian and learn to play tennis.
4) Чего вы ожидали от лета? — My expectations for the summer were to earn some money, to go to the seaside.
5) Кто является вегетарианцем? — A vegetarian is a man who doesn’t eat meat.
6) Что за план был на лето у Марины? — She planned to go to England and see the places she had read so much about.
7) Что она очень хотела сделать? — She was eager to visit England and see its places of interest.
8) Кто помог ей в осуществлении своих планов? — Her parents did.
9) Как ей помогли родители? — They helped her with money and provided her with the address of their old friend who lived in England.
10) Каким человеком предстала перед Мариной Бетси? — Betsy turned out to be anything but ordinary.
11) Она много знала об Англии? — Yes, she did. She knew all about England and its culture and traditions.
12) Что предложила сделать Бетси? — She suggested following the famous Roman roads.
13) Какой город они посетили первым? — Their first visit was to Canterbury.
14) Что украшает графство Кент? — Kentish horizons are decorated with oast houses.
15) Что там высушивают? — Hops are dried there.
16) Что находится в самом центре Кентербэри? — Canterbury Cathedral lies in the very heart of this city.
17) Чем знаменит этот собор? — It is famous for the great historical event which happened there. The 60th Archbishop was murdered here in 1170.
18) Почему канонизировали Томаса Беккета? — He was canonized because he was a bishop of the Cathedral and he was slain murdered.
19) Чем знаменит Брайтон? — Brighton is a famous resort in England.
20) Впечатлил ли Марину Королевский Павильон? — Yes, it did.
21) Сыграл ли Королевский Павильон ведущую роль в развитии Брайтона? — Yes it has, the Royal Pavilion has played the key role in the development of Brighton.
22) Когда Брайтон стал фешенебельным курортом? — Brighton was transformed to a fashionable resort in the mid-eighteenth century.
23) Почему лондонское общество предпочитает ездить в Брайтон? — Members of London society go to Brighton because of the therapeutic qualities of sea water.
24) Когда была основана общеобразовательная школа в Регби? — It was founded in 1567.
25) Как появилась игра регби? Почему она связана с Регби? — William Webb Ellis was the first man who took the ball in his arms and ran with it. It is connected with Rugby because its school gave the world this game.
26) Зачем Бетси и Марина поехали в Нотингэм? — They went to Nottingham to see Sherwood Forrest.
27) Что больше всего заинтересовало их? — Brighton and Canterbury interested them most.
28) Что им удалось увидеть? — They managed to see the Royal Pavilion, Canterbury Cathedral, Brighton, Rugby and Sherwood Forrest.
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