Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Раздел 3. Урок 7

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1) She arrived after they had gone.
2)He locked the car after he had parked it.
3) John sold his car because his friend had offered him a good price.
4) She didn’t call us because she had lost our phone number.
5) He began to read this book after he had seen the film.
Переведите на английский язык.
1) She unpacked her suit-case after she had arrived at the hotel.
2) After he had seen the film, he went to bed.
3) She called her parents after she had bought a TV set.
4) Mrs. Garret read the letter after the mailman had delivered the mail.
1) c 2) d 3) a 4) b 5) f 6) e
1) Where were you yesterday?
2) When did he tell you to rest?
3) Why could you tell him nothing?
4) Was he interested after he had learnt that your brother was in France?
5) What did you suddenly find?
6) What did you tell the dentist after he had removed the cotton-wool from your mouth?
1) had made, 2) had bought, 3) will have painted, 4) had cleaned, 5) made, had done.
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