Голицынский, 6-е издание – Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) – Упражнение 466

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1. This building is said to have been erected in the 17th century.
2. The meeting is supposed to be over at ten o’clock.
3. Cold weather was never expected to set in so early.
4. We turned out to have met.
5. You seem to be tired.
6. The working conditions turned out to be more difficult than it had been supposed (than they had been supposed to be).
7. Do you happen to know this man?
8. The book you gave me has turned out to be dull.
9. The new buses turned out to be very comfortable.
10. Of the three Bronte sisters Charlotte is considered to be the most talented one.
11. The English woman-writer Voinich is known to have lived in St Petersburg for a number of years and (to have) studied Russian literature. Russian literature is considered to have influenced her creative activity.
12. Your friend seems to be very interested in ancient history.
13. The Romans are known to have built good roads on the British Isles.
14. The poem “Beowulf” is supposed to have been written in the 8th century.
15. Walter Scott is considered to be the creator of the historical novel.
16. The expedition is reported to have reached its destination.
17. I happen to know his telephone number.
18. He turned out to be a good sportsman.
19. He seems to be writing a new article; he seems to have been working at it for two weeks already.
20. I happened to meet him in Moscow.
21. They are supposed to know about it more than they want to show.
22. Jim turned out to be a brave boy.
23. Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way home.
24. He is said to have been working at his invention for several years.
25. This article is said to have been translated into all the languages of the world.
26. You seem to have read a lot before entering the university.
27. They are expected to win the match.

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