Голицынский, 6-е издание – Предлоги – Упражнение 152

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1. He will come in an hour.
2. Wait a little, please, I shall return in a few minutes.
3. We shall finish school in a few years.
4. In two or three years everything will change.
5. I haven’t been to Estonia since 2005. Next summer I shall go there. I shall spend the whole summer there and return to St Petersburg by the first of September.
6. Last Sunday we got up at sunrise and by seven o’clock we were ready to go. At ten minutes past seven we started. We went to the bus stop. There were few people at the stop: on Sunday people don’t like to get up at sunrise. The bus came up to the stop in ten minutes. We went to the railway station. In half an hour we were at the railway station. On the platform we met our friends. In an hour we were already in the country. We went to the woods. It was hot, but when we went into the woods, it became cool. We spent the whole day in the country and returned to town at sunset.

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