ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 7 – 7b – 6a
Read the dialogue again and choose from sentences (A-G) to fill in gaps (1-5). Listen and check.
Ответ для учебников 2019 года:
Ann: So how did you do?
Sally: Pretty well. All the questions I expected came up. How about you?
Ann: Not so good. 1) F) I messed up four of the questions.
Sally: What? So many? How come?
Ann: 2) B) I left my revision to the last moment. So, I didn't have time to revise everything.
Sally: Don't tell me you tried to do it all in the last few days before the exam.
Ann: I know. 3) C) I really let myself down.
Sally: You should have prepared better.
Ann: That's easier said than done, but you're right. 4) A) I should have revised more.
Sally: You should, indeed. Anyway, there's no point worrying now. Wait until you get your results. You can always retake it.
Ann: 5) G) I guess you're right. Let's forget about the exams and go have a coffee.
Sally: That's the spirit!
Эти фразы не были использованы в диалоге:
Can you retake it?
I didn't even try.
Примечание: В учебниках до 2019 года, ответ выглядит так:
Ann: So how did you do?
Sally: Pretty well. All the questions I expected came up. How about you?
Ann: Not so good. 1) G) I messed up four of the questions.
Sally: What? So many? How come?
Ann: 2) С) I left my revision to the last moment. So, I didn't have time to revise everything.
Sally: Don't tell me you tried to do it all in the last few days before the exam.
Ann: I know. 3) D) I really let myself down.
Sally: You should have prepared better.
Ann: That's easier said than done, but you're right. 4) В) I should have revised more.
Sally: You should, indeed. Anyway, there's no point worrying now. Wait until you get your results. You can always retake it.
Ann: 5) H) I guess you're right. Let's forget about the exams and go have a coffee.
Sally: That's the spirit!
Эти фразы не были использованы в диалоге:
A) I should manage my time better next time.
E) Can you retake it?
F) I didn't even try.
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Read the dialogue again and choose from sentences (A-G) to fill in gaps (1-5). Listen and check. Прочитайте еще раз диалог и выберите из А-G нужные предложения для заполнения пробелов 1-5. Послушайте и проверьте.