ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 5 – 5b – 8
Imagine you're a photo journalist and have got photos 1-8 in your portfolio. Choose one one of the photos and describe it to your partner. Follow the plan on p.13. Explain your choice. Answer your partner's questions about the photo.
Возможный ответ: Давайте для начала вспомним, как нужно описывать картинку.
Describing pictures
When you describe a picture/photo, say (if appropriate):
when the photo was taken
what/who you can see in the picture
what is happening
why you had this photo taken
why you decided to show this picture
Following the plan makes your description logical
In this photo, we can see a homeless man sitting on a noisy street. The photo was taken in our time. The man is dressed in warm clothes, it's cold outside. People pass by, but no one looking at him. He is alone and he isn't needed nobody. I think in our time it is impossible, but it is true. Unfortunately, in all cities of the world you can find homeless people.
Portfolio: Work in pairs. Imagine you saw a documentary about child labour. Use the ideas below and phrases from Ex. 4 to act out a dialogue. Use the dialogue in Ex. 5 as a model. Record yourselves.
1 in 6 children is involved in child labour (246 million)
300,000 children around the world are currently serving as soldiers
A: I watched a documentary on TV about hard child labor
B: Yes? And what was shown there?
A: This is terrible. Approximately 246 million children work worldwide.
B: Really? I did not know about it.
A: Moreover, 300 thousand of children around the world are serving as soldiers. They take part in войнах and die.
B: Oh my god! This is terrible!
A: I think adults make children work. This is bad.
B: To solve this problem, governments must prohibit child labor.
A: And I think that we should draw attention to this problem in the media and provide support to organizations that fight the problem of child labor.
B: Good idea.
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Imagine you're a photo journalist and have got photos 1-8 in your portfolio. Choose one one of the photos and describe it to your partner. Follow the plan on p.13. Explain your choice. Answer your partner's questions about the photo. Представьте, что вы фотожурналист и в вашем портфолио есть фотографии 1-8. Выберите одну из фотографий и опишите ее своему партнеру. Следуйте плану на стр.13. Объясните ваш выбор. Ответьте на вопросы партнера о фотографии.