ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 5 – 5b – 3
You'll hear five speakers (A-E) twice. Match each speakers to a statement (1-6). You can use each statement once. There is one extra statement.
Speaker А: I know it seems hard to believe in this day and age but in some parts of the world people don't even have clean water to drink. They can become ill really easily and die. Also many children around the world die of infections or illnesses that could be prevented by giving them the proper medicine.
Speaker B: There have been a number of large scale disasters around the world lately which have destroyed many people's homes and left them with nowhere to live. That's why I think an international emergency housing charity or scheme should be set up to help rebuild them.
Speaker C: I have a part-time job because I choose to work to earn some extra money. But I would not like to have to do hard labour all day every day for very little pay from the age of 6 or something to look after my family - that's just not fair!
Speaker D: It's terrible. One by one all the animals will die out until there are only humans left. There may be animals we haven't even discovered yet and we never will because they have been wiped out by mankind.
Speaker E: National and international conflict and warfare have caused more death and destruction than anything else in the history of the world. We should all learn to live in peace and stop starting wars over political or religious differences. Why can't people just agree to disagree?
Speaker E) The speaker thinks countries should stop fighting against each other.
Speaker В) The speaker thinks that an organised house building programme is a priority.
Speaker D) The speaker thinks people are killing all the creatures on the planet.
Speaker A) The speaker thinks we can easily prevent many people from getting ill.
Speaker C) The speaker thinks young children shouldn't have to work.
Лишнее утверждение. The speaker thinks the planet is getting too hot.
Спикер думает, что планета становится слишком горячей.
Примечание: В учебниках, выпущенных до 2019 года, другая аудиозапись и другой ответ к заданию. Его следует выполнять вот так:
Interviewer: We spoke to some young people to find out their opinion about some current global issues.
Speaker 1: I know it seems hard to believe in this day and age but in some parts of the world people don't even have clean water to drink. They can become ill really easily and die. Also many children around the world die of infections or illnesses that could be prevented by giving them the proper medicine.
Speaker 2: There have been a number of large scale disasters around the world lately which have destroyed many people's homes and left them with nowhere to live. That's why I think an international emergency housing charity or scheme should be set up to help rebuild them.
Speaker 3: Extreme weather is one result of climate change which is what happens when the planet heats up. We all need to do our bit to help cool the planet down and stop the Earth's temperature from rising any more.
Speaker 4: I have a part-time job because I choose to work to earn some extra money. But I would not like to have to do hard labour all day every day for very little pay from the age of 6 or something to look after my family - that's just not fair!
Speaker 5: It's terrible. One by one all the animals will die out until there are only humans left. There may be animals we haven't even discovered yet and we never will because they have been wiped out by mankind.
Speaker 6: National and international conflict and warfare have caused more death and destruction than anything else in the history of the world. We should all learn to live in peace and stop starting wars over political or religious differences. Why can't people just agree to disagree?
D) The speaker thinks we can easily prevent many people from getting ill. - Famine, poverty and pollution
В) The speaker thinks there should be a free house building programme. - Homelessness
F) The speaker thinks the planet is getting too hot. - Global warming
E) The speaker thinks young children shouldn't have to work. - Child labour
С) The speaker thinks people are killing all the creatures on the planet. - Endangered species
A) The speaker thinks countries should stop fighting against each other. - War
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
You'll hear five speakers (A-E) twice. Match each speakers to a statement (1-6). You can use each statement once. There is one extra statement. Вы прослушаете пятерых спикеров дважды (А-Е). Сопоставьте каждого спикера с утверждением (1-6). Каждое утверждение можно использовать только один раз. Есть одно лишнее утверждение. Interviewer: We spoke to some young people to find out their opinion about some current global issues. Speaker А: I know it seems hard to believe in this day and age but in some parts of the world people don't even have clean water to drink. They can become ill really easily and die. Also many children around the world die of infections or illnesses that could be prevented by giving them the proper medicine. Speaker B: There have been a number of large scale disasters around the world lately which have destroyed many people's homes and left them with nowhere to live. That's why I think an international emergency housing charity or scheme should be set up to help rebuild them. Speaker C: I have a part-time job because I choose to work to earn some extra money. But I would not like to have to do hard labour all day every day for very little pay from the age of 6 or something to look after my family - that's just not fair! Speaker D: It's terrible. One by one all the animals will die out until there are only humans left. There may be animals we haven't even discovered yet and we never will because they have been wiped out by mankind. Speaker E: National and international conflict and warfare have caused more death and destruction than anything else in the history of the world. We should all learn to live in peace and stop starting wars over political or religious differences. Why can't people just agree to disagree? Ведущий: Мы поговорили с некоторыми молодыми людьми, чтобы выяснить их мнение по ряду глобальных вопросов. Спикер A: Я знаю, в это сложно поверить здесь и сейчас, но в некоторых частях мира у людей нет даже питьевой воды. Они могут легко заболеть и умереть. Также многие дети по всему миру умирают от инфекций или болезней, эти смерти можно было бы предотвратить, если бы им оказали должную медицинскую помощь. Спикер B: По всему миру в последнее время прокатываются широкомасштабные бедствия, которые уничтожают дома и оставляют людей без дома. Вот почему я думаю, что нужно создать какую-нибудь международную благотворительную организацию, которая помогала бы с восстановлением жилья. Спикер C: Я устроился на работу на неполный рабочий день, потому что решил немного подзаработать. Но я не хотел бы каждый день выполнять тяжелую работу за мизерную оплату с 6 лет или что-то вроде того, чтобы позаботиться о моей семье - это просто нечестно! Спикер D: Это ужасно. Один за другим животные будут вымирать, пока не останутся одни люди. Возможно, еще есть животные, которых мы еще не открыли, и мы никогда о них не узнаем, потому что они будут стерты с лица земли человечеством. Спикер E: Национальные и международные конфликты и вооруженные столкновения приводят к смерти и разрушениям в большей степени, чем что-либо еще в истории мира. Мы все должны научиться жить в мире и остановить войны по политическим и религиозным причинам. Почему люди просто не могут остаться при своем мнении?