ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 3 – 3b – 3a
Look at questions A-F in the box. What is the dialogue about? Complete the dialogue with questions A-F. Two questions don't match.
A: 1) E) What does your mum do for a living?
B: She works as a Personal Assistant to the General Manager of a computer company.
A: 2) В) Is it part-time?
B: No, she works 9-5 Monday to Friday.
A: 3) С) What exactly does the job involve?
B: She makes travel arrangements for her boss and she gets in touch with different clients around the country.
A: 4) A) What's the pay like?
B: The money's great. She gets over?40,000 a year. She also gets a three-week holiday every summer.
Варианты D и F don't match:
D) How long has she been working there?
F) How does she like her job?
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Look at questions A-F in the box. What is the dialogue about? Complete the dialogue with questions A-F. Two questions don't match. Посмотрите на вопросы A-F. О чем диалог? Дополните диалог вопросами A-F. Два вопроса не подходят