ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - УчебникModule 1 – 1e – 5
Read the cards below. Why have the people written them? Find examples of informal style. Compare with your partner.
Well done! I wish you all the success in the world. Good luck in your new position.
All the best, Jane
How's it going? I'm happy to hear you're coming to visit my town. Let's get together! Give me a ring when you arrive.
Catch you later, Greg
I can't believe I missed your party. My flight was cancelled because of the storm and I was stuck in London. I'll try and make it up to you another time.
Kisses, Sarah
Jane has written this card to congratulate Tony on his new position in the job. There are some examples of informal style and colloquial language: Hi Tony, Well done, All the best, all the success in the world.
Greg has written this card to propose Tony to hang together. Here are some examples of informal style and colloquial language: Hi Neil, How's it going? I'm, you're, Let's get together, Give me a ring, Catch you later.
Sarah has written this card to Amanda to apologise for missing Amanda's party. We can see some examples of informal style and colloquial language: Hey Amanda, can't, stuck, I'll, make it up to you, Kisses
ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Учебник"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.
Read the cards below. Why have the people written them? Find examples of informal style. Compare with your partner. Прочитайте открытки. Почему люди написали их? Найдите примеры неформального стиля. Hi Tony, Well done! I wish you all the success in the world. Good luck in your new position. All the best, Jane Привет, Тони Так держать! Желаю тебе всего успеха в мире. Удачи на новой должности. Всего наилучшего, Джейн Hi Neil, How's it going? I'm happy to hear you're coming to visit my town. Let's get together! Give me a ring when you arrive. Catch you later, Greg Привет Нейл, Как дела? Счастлив услышать, что ты приезжаешь в мой город. Давай встретимся! Позвони мне как приедешь. Увидимся, Грег Hey Amanda, I can't believe I missed your party. My flight was cancelled because of the storm and I was stuck in London. I'll try and make it up to you another time. Kisses, Sarah Эй, Аманда, Не могу поверить, что пропустила твою вечеринку. Мой рейс отменили из-за шторма, и я застряла в Лондоне. Постараюсь придумать что-нибудь и встретиться с тобой в другое время. Целую, Сара.