ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина - Spotlight - Рабочая тетрадьModule 4 – 4g – 1

Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. Прочитайте текст и сопоставьте заголовки с абзацами A. Dress according to who you are Одевайся в соответствии с тем, кто ты есть B. Avoid comparisons Избегай сравнений C. Think before you spend Думай прежде чем потратить

You spend time and money on glossy fashion magazines trying to spot the latest trends. You buy shoes and clothes based on what pop stars, film stars and models are wearing. Tight-fitting jeans are now considered a "must have" whereas the baggy jeans you spent?100 on last year are presently considered old-fashioned by Teen Vogue. Almost everyone would like to have designer clothes and expensive shoes. But is it really worth spending all your pocket money on items you won't even wear in a couple of months? If you really want to become a smart buyer here are some tips: Ты тратишь время и деньги на глянцевые модные журналы,


Think before you spend

Be responsible. Do not spend a lot of cash on things that you know will be out of fashion within the next six months. Pay attention to the quality and the material. Do not spend money on a T-shirt that's made of cotton just because it's designed by Armani. It's not logical. Before you buy that red leather jacket take a minute to think: do I have matching shoes? Does the colour suit me? Is it casual enough? Can it be worn at school? If you want to buy something smart for a formal occasion, get a plain, elegant, white shirt or a black, silk dress. They will never go out of fashion!

Будь ответственна. Не трать много наличных на вещи,


Avoid comparisons.

Your taste in fashion is certainly influenced by TV and advertisements. Despite the fact that you've always hated leather trousers and velvet suits, you start to think that they actually look cool because they are now being worn by major trendsetters like Kate Moss and David Beckham! Do not compare yourself to unrealistic images. You can't wear the same clothes as runway models. It's just not practical.

Твой вкус в моде определенно зависит от телевизора и


А) Dress according to who you are.

Don't pay too much attention to the latest trends. It's more important to wear something that suits your body and your personal style. If you walk with confidence even a pair of old scruffy jeans or a knitted sweater can look trendy. No one will like you more just because you have a designer handbag. It's all about self-confidence!

Не обращай слишком большого внимания на последние

Remember, the fashion industry sells vanity not reality. Don't be fooled! Помни, что индустрия моды продает тщеславие, а не

ГДЗ - "Spotlight - Рабочая тетрадь"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.


Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. Прочитайте текст и сопоставьте заголовки с абзацами A. Dress according to who you are Одевайся в соответствии с тем, кто ты есть B. Avoid comparisons Избегай сравнений C. Think before you spend Думай прежде чем потратить