ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 2Unit 4 – Step 7 – 5b
Work in pairs or in small groups and make a list of a monarch's duties as you see them. Compare your lists and decide whose thinking was the most realistic.
The duty of the monarch includes: the preservation of faith, justice, peace and folk's honor. Each monarch is obliged to administer the right court, to preserve the peace, to take care of the honor of the people and about everything that is useful for the common good.
ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 2"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.
Work in pairs or in small groups and make a list of a monarch's duties as you see them. Compare your lists and decide whose thinking was the most realistic. Работайте парами или небольшими группами и составьте список обязанностей монарха, как вы их видите. Сравните свои списки и решите, чье мышление было наиболее реалистичным.