ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 2 – Step 8 – 11

Get ready to speak about your favourite actor / actress. You may mention the following: Будьте готовы поговорить о любимом актере / актрисе. Вы when he / she was born; когда он родился; where he / she was born; место рождения; when and where he / she began his career; когда и где он начал свою карьеру; if he / she appeared in any films; снялся ли он в каких-либо фильмах; in what theatre he / she plays now; в каком театре он играет сейчас; if people know him abroad; знают ли его за границей; what parts are his / her best parts; нозови лучшие его роли; why you like him / her so much. почему он / она вам так нравится.

Konstantin Khabensky (1972) - actor, Honored Artist of Russia. Константин Юрьевич Хабенский (1972) - актер, заслуженный Konstantin Khabensky was born in Leningrad on January 11, 1972. After a short stay in the northern capital he moved to Nizhnevartovsk with his family. After school he entered the aviation technical school (instrumentation, automation). But after studying for three years, he gave up. Константин Хабенский родился в Ленинграде, 11 января 1972 Then Konstantin was simultaneously engaged in several small works. As an assembler at the Theater "Saturday", he decided to link his fate with acting. For this, in 1990 he entered the Leningrad LGITMiK - Institute of Theater, Music, Cinematography. In 1994, the first film with the participation of Khabensky was released: "To whom will God send?" Затем Константин одновременно занимался несколькими After graduating from university in the biography of Konstantin Khabensky, a year was spent at the "Perekrestok" Theater. Then he first began to broadcast television. Then he played mainly supporting roles in the theater "Satyricon". После окончания университета в биографии Константина The first roles to the actor Konstantin Khabensky got by accident. For the first time he played a more important role in the film "Natasha" (1998), then in ""Women's Property"". After that, the following films by Khabensky were released: ""The Admirer"" (1999), ""Home for the Rich"" (for the role he received the Best Actor Award), ""Agent of National Security"". After the series ""Slaughter League"" actor Konstantin Khabensky became truly famous. However, he did not stop performing at the theater. Первые роли актеру Константину Хабенскому достались In the filmography of Khabensky, the films "Night Watch", "Day Watch" should be especially highlighted. These are some of the most famous roles of the actor. The last famous roles in the biography of Konstantin Khabensky were in the films "The Irony of Fate. Continuation", "Admiral". Khabensky's wife Anastasia in 2007 gave birth to his son. В фильмографии Хабенского особо следует выделить

ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

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Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Get ready to speak about your favourite actor / actress. You may mention the following: Будьте готовы поговорить о любимом актере / актрисе. Вы можете упомянуть следующее: • when he / she was born; когда он родился; • where he / she was born; место рождения; • when and where he / she began his career; когда и где он начал свою карьеру; • if he / she appeared in any films; снялся ли он в каких-либо фильмах; • in what theatre he / she plays now; в каком театре он играет сейчас; • if people know him abroad; знают ли его за границей; • what parts are his / her best parts; нозови лучшие его роли; • why you like him / her so much. почему он / она вам так нравится.