ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 2 – Step 10 – 2

Read the text and say which of these facts are not in it. Прочтите текст и скажите, каких из этих фактов в нем P. I. Tchaikovsky and His Music П.И. Чайковский и его музыка Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) is one of the most important figures in the history of music. He wrote some of the most popular melodies of all times. People all over the world know and love his ballet music. Петр Ильич Чайковский (1840-1893) - одна из важнейших фигур Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, Russia, in 1840. Young Peter showed an early interest in music. He began taking piano lessons at the age of five and very soon he learned to play better than his teacher. His mother died when Peter was fourteen, he felt very unhappy and began to write music which helped him. At the age of twenty-three he became a full-time student at St Petersburg Conservatory . The next twelve years of his life he devoted to teaching and taught students at the Moscow Conservatory. In the meantime he wrote music. Чайковский родился в Воткинске, Россия, в 1840 году. At the beginning of his career his compositions were not always successful. Many people thought his music was too modern and too sentimental. But with time audiences everywhere came to love Tchaikovsky’s musical style which was full of feeling and could excite them. By the end of his life, in the late 19th century Tchaikovsky had become the greatest living composer. В начале карьеры его сочинения не всегда были Between 1888 and 1893 Tchaikovsky visited Europe and the USA. In 1893 he gave the first performance of his Sixth Symphony . He called it the "Pathetic" (full of feelings). Tchaikovsky considered his Sixth Symphony to be his best composition. It was also his last. Two weeks after he had finished this symphony he died. Nowadays, Tchaikovsky’s operas and ballets are among the most popular performances all over the world. You can see such ballets as "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Nutcracker" on many European and American stages. His operas are also well known and many Russian theatres stage them. Между 1888 и 1893 годами Чайковский посетил Европу и США. В


Tchaikovsky’s hobbies in the early years of his life.

Увлечения Чайковского в первые годы жизни.


Tchaikovsky’s family.

Семья Чайковского.


Tchaikovsky’s student’s years.

Студенческие годы Чайковского.


The countries the composer visited in Europe.

Страны, которые композитор посетил в Европе.

ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Read the text and say which of these facts are not in it. Прочтите текст и скажите, каких из этих фактов в нем нет. P. I. Tchaikovsky and His Music П.И. Чайковский и его музыка Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) is one of the most important figures in the history of music. He wrote some of the most popular melodies of all times. People all over the world know and love his ballet music. Петр Ильич Чайковский (1840-1893) - одна из важнейших фигур в истории музыки. Он написал одни из самых популярных мелодий всех времен. Люди во всем мире знают и любят его балетную музыку. Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, Russia, in 1840. Young Peter showed an early interest in music. He began taking piano lessons at the age of five and very soon he learned to play better than his teacher. His mother died when Peter was fourteen, he felt very unhappy and began to write music which helped him. At the age of twenty-three he became a full-time student at St Petersburg Conservatory . The next twelve years of his life he devoted to teaching and taught students at the Moscow Conservatory. In the meantime he wrote music. Чайковский родился в Воткинске, Россия, в 1840 году. Молодой Петр рано проявил интерес к музыке. Он начал брать уроки игры на фортепиано в возрасте пяти лет и очень скоро научился играть лучше своего учителя. Его мать умерла, когда Петру было четырнадцать, он почувствовал себя очень несчастным и начал писать музыку, которая ему помогала. В возрасте двадцати трех лет он стал студентом дневного отделения Санкт-Петербургской консерватории. Следующие двенадцать лет своей жизни он посвятил преподаванию и обучению студентов в Московской консерватории. Тем временем он писал музыку. At the beginning of his career his compositions were not always successful. Many people thought his music was too modern and too sentimental. But with time audiences everywhere came to love Tchaikovsky’s musical style which was full of feeling and could excite them. By the end of his life, in the late 19th century Tchaikovsky had become the greatest living composer. В начале карьеры его сочинения не всегда были удачными. Многие считали его музыку слишком современной и сентиментальной. Но со временем зрители по всему миру полюбили музыкальный стиль Чайковского, который был полон чувств и мог их волновать. К концу своей жизни, в конце 19 века Чайковский стал величайшим из ныне живущих композиторов. Between 1888 and 1893 Tchaikovsky visited Europe and the USA. In 1893 he gave the first performance of his Sixth Symphony . He called it the "Pathetic" (full of feelings). Tchaikovsky considered his Sixth Symphony to be his best composition. It was also his last. Two weeks after he had finished this symphony he died. Nowadays, Tchaikovsky’s operas and ballets are among the most popular performances all over the world. You can see such ballets as "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Nutcracker" on many European and American stages. His operas are also well known and many Russian theatres stage them. Между 1888 и 1893 годами Чайковский посетил Европу и США. В 1893 году он впервые исполнил свою Шестую симфонию. Он назвал его "Трогательной" (полным чувств). Лучшим своим сочинением Чайковский считал Шестую симфонию. Она была и его последней. Через две недели после того, как он закончил эту симфонию, он умер. Сегодня оперы и балеты Чайковского - одни из самых популярных спектаклей во всем мире. Такие балеты, как "Лебединое озеро", "Спящая красавица" и "Щелкунчик" можно увидеть на многих европейских и американских сценах. Его оперы тоже хорошо известны, их ставят многие российские театры.