ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 1 – Step 2 – 1
Listen and say which of the facts below are true, false or not stated.
Laila’s first fight was very unusual because her dad was so famous. Everybody who liked boxing was interested in Muhammad Ali’s daughter and her first fight. The best boxing journalists and TV people came to see Laila. Everyone wanted to know the same thing: was she any good? People asked each other if the young girl knew the risks of fighting.
Laila’s opponent was April Fowler. She was not very good at boxing. The fight lasted 30 seconds. Laila Ali won. She showed that she had talent for boxing. Her father didn’t go to the fight, but he was at the party after the fight. Muhammad Ali said he was very proud of his daughter.
Muhammad Ali is a famous boxer.
He has 9 children.
Not stated
He doesn’t like the idea of women boxers.
People were very interested in Laila’s first fight.
Muhammad Ali came to see his daughter’s first fight.
April Fowler was Laila’s opponent during her first fight.
Laila’s first fight lasted less than a minute.
Laila has a talent for boxing.
Сравнительной формой от наречия little является слово less Now I sleep less than I used to.
Обратите внимание на употребление в них сравнительной степени прилагательных и наречий с определённым артиклем.
The more people you know, the less time you have to see them.
ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"
по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.
Год издания
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.
Listen and say which of the facts below are true, false or not stated. Послушайте и скажите, какие из приведенных ниже фактов верны, ложны или не указаны. Everybody knows the name of Muhammad Ali. He is a real boxing legend. Laila Ali is his youngest daughter. She has become a professional boxer too but her father didn’t like that idea. Muhammad Ali thought that boxing was not for women. Laila’s first fight was very unusual because her dad was so famous. Everybody who liked boxing was interested in Muhammad Ali’s daughter and her first fight. The best boxing journalists and TV people came to see Laila. Everyone wanted to know the same thing: was she any good? People asked each other if the young girl knew the risks of fighting. Laila’s opponent was April Fowler. She was not very good at boxing. The fight lasted 30 seconds. Laila Ali won. She showed that she had talent for boxing. Her father didn’t go to the fight, but he was at the party after the fight. Muhammad Ali said he was very proud of his daughter. Всем известно имя Мухаммеда Али. Он настоящая легенда бокса. Лайла Али - его младшая дочь. Она тоже стала профессиональным боксером, но ее отцу эта идея не понравилась. Мухаммед Али считал, что бокс не для женщин. Первый бой Лейлы был очень необычным, потому что ее отец был очень знаменит. Всех, кто любил бокс, интересовала дочь Мухаммеда Али и ее первый бой. К Лайле пришли лучшие боксеры-журналисты и телеведущие. Все хотели знать одно и то же: хороша ли она? Люди спрашивали друг друга, знает ли девушка о риске драки. Противницей Лайлы была Эйприл Фаулер. Она не очень хорошо боксировала. Поединок длился 30 секунд. Победила Лейла Али. Она показала, что у нее есть боксерский талант. Ее отец на драку не пошел, но после драки был на вечеринке. Мухаммед Али сказал, что очень гордится своей дочерью.