ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова - Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1Unit 1 – Step 1 – 2

Listen to four people speaking about their holidays. Match the statements below (a-e) and the words of the speakers (1-4). There is one statement you don't have to use. Послушайте, как четыре человека говорят о своем


The speaker says he went abroad during his summer holidays.

Спикер говорит, что уехал за границу во время летних

Speaker 1

In the summer I flew a lot as my family visited several European countries. And that is certainly the quickest way of getting from one place to another. I enjoy airports but I hate waiting for planes there. My parents usually take books with them but I prefer my iPad.

Спикер 1


The speaker says that during his holiday he saw some ancient Russian buildings.

Спикер говорит, что во время своего отпуска он видел

Speaker 2

I am fond of travelling by bus. This year during the holidays my school friends and me had a wonderful trip to Suzdal, a small town to the north of Vladimir. We had a very good time during the journey and saw a lot of beautiful old Russian churches. The way to Suzdal was interesting too. I loved it.

Спикер 2


The speaker says he learnt a lot of new things about the Black Sea fauna.

Спикер говорит, что узнал много нового о фауне Черного

Speaker 3

When I’m on holiday, I usually go by train to all the places I visit. It’s only a little slower than the plane but it is fast enough. I am never tired of having a journey on the train when I am on holiday. I travelled by train last summer and was lucky with my travelling companions. They were such interesting people and told me a lot of things about the fish and animals living in the Black Sea.

Спикер 3


The speaker says he spent his holiday together with his relative.

Говорящий говорит, что провел отпуск вместе с

Speaker 4

My elder brother is a professional driver. He often takes me to different places and I like to travel by car with him very much. Last summer we went to the Black Sea by car. It was great. We could stay where we liked, we swam a lot and went fishing and boating.

Спикер 4


Лишний вариант

The speaker says he began to like the Black Sea fauna.

Спикер говорит, что ему очень понравилась фауна

ГДЗ - "Rainbow English - Учебник. Часть 1"

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Listen to four people speaking about their holidays. Match the statements below (a-e) and the words of the speakers (1-4). There is one statement you don't have to use. Послушайте, как четыре человека говорят о своем отпуске. Сравните приведенные ниже утверждения (a-e) и слова выступающих (1-4). Есть одно утверждение, которое вам не нужно использовать.