Быкова, 4. Рабочая тетрадь. Модуль 5. Я люблю английский!

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Прочитайте и вставьте подходящие слова.
1 A: How was your day, Ann?
В: Oh, Mum! I was so sad today. It was Becky’s last day at school.
A: Oh dear! That’s a shame!
2 A: How was school today, son?
B: Great, Dad. The test was really easy!
A: Well done!
Прочитай и запиши.
I was there with my mother and my father. There were a lot of animals; there was even a big hippo!
Where was I? I was at the zoo!
I was there with my grandparents. There were a lot of other people there too. The food was delicious! The waiter was really nice.
Where was I? I was at the cafe!
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